

I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We had a nice, quiet Easter dinner with the family, minus the boys and SweetiePie who couldn’t make it home.  Boohoo. MyDadLovesMeBestSister outdid herself again as hostess and everything was wonderful.  MeMum made a delicious ham and a corn casserole.  MDLMBS made scalloped potatoes, carrot puff, broccoli salad, fruit salad and a carrot salad.  Yum, Yum.

I made dinner rolls (which I love, but here’s a tip — don’t try to transport them just before they’re set to go into the oven — they’ll fall!) and  Ms. Humble’s Lemon Marscapone Cream Cake.  The cake was super fun to make —  time consuming, but not nearly as intimidating as it sounds and it was pretty tasty. It’s definitely a European style cake though — not a fluffy American style cake.  I would make it again, but, TheManoftheHouse is an American style cake guy, so I don’t think he was as excited about it as moi.


As I mentioned in my last post, I’m getting really excited about market.  A few weeks ago, I stumbled upon the Sarah Jane Studios blog and she mentioned that she has a new line of fabric that will debut at market.  Her illustrations are just gorgeous, so I’m super excited to see the fabric.  If it’s anything like her art, I’m thinking it will be The Pips on steroids!!!


And one last thing, you’re familiar with, aren’t you?  Here in ThimbleannaLand, we’ve loved their funny posters for years (probably 15?) — the procrastination poster is our all-time family favorite.  Anyway, here’s a knockoff poster for all of my friends who have recently suffered with the Verizon (or whatever they’re calling themselves now) shenanigans (Warning:  If bad words offend you, Look Away!)


Ok boys and girls — off to bed!


Edited to add:  Oops!  I should note that the Verizon complaints were from home Verizon users who had their rates raised unexpectedly.  We have Verizon Wireless and love them!

29 thoughts on “Tidbits”

  1. Almost loved it but then again, why is it “What now, bitches” and not a**holes…some things never change. IMHO….LOL

  2. Just curious – what issues with Verizon. Having had 2 previous carriers and now with Verizon just wondering.

  3. Gosh, you’re funny, Anna! That poster is hilarious. Makes me wish I had kept up with calculus in university. ha.
    The cake looks delicious. Who wouldn’t love marscapone and lemon? Really. YUM!
    Glad you had a nice Easter. My favourite part was no work for four days straight. Oh, and the chocolate was pretty good too. I once again disappointed my husband by not going to church with him. Poor fella. He feels abandoned.

  4. Scratch out Verizon and put in ATT and that check would work perfectly for our final bill with them.

    You are going to market, right? Please show pictures of what the Sarah Jane Studios stuff looks like. Her artwork is precious.

  5. love the verizon check!!
    and that cake anna, oh my, what a beautiful cake! when on earth are you going to move to california so we can bake lovely cakes together?
    :calls MOTH and convinces him that beaches beat snowdrifts allll daaaayyy lllooonnngggg.
    k. i’m going to go house hunting for you – and don’t worry, i’ll make sure the kitchen is good to go and you work on transferring your life to the coast.

  6. Oh boy…We’re thinking of switching to Verizon wireless from AT&T only because we have a Verizon tower near us and we’re not in the AT&T network here. You say it’s okay?
    The cake looks so yummy!

  7. after spending three precious hours of life on the phone with Qwest DSL repair and their English-As-A-Second-Language “technicians” … well … need i say more than thanks – i needed a good dose of demotivation this morning – bwah ha ha

  8. That cake looks wonderful – almost too good to cut into! Your quiet Easter dinner sounds delicious, glad you had a lovely weekend x

  9. Wow, that cake is as gorgeous to look at, as I’m sure it was yummy to eat. Nice work!

    Love the verizon check, thanks for the laugh! :)

  10. Sounds like you ate way too much, but loved every little bit. I think I would have too!! So you are going to SLC!!! Will I get to see you this time? I would love to meet up with you. Drop me a line… ;)

  11. Thanks for introducing me to Sara Jane Studios. Her work is lovely!

    And I think I’m gaining weight just looking at that cake … ;)

  12. You’re so talented! Everything always looks great on your blog! What??? No picture of those transported buns? lol Did you save me a piece of cake? Funny that the Easter bunny left similar chicks on dd’s bed along with a soft bunny. The chicks are definitely in this year! ;o) No chocolate, well not from the Easter bunny anyway. Lots for everyone else thought!

  13. My husband and one daughter are engineers. i have got to send them this blog post. Hilarious. One thing I so so incredibly admire about you, among others, is your attention to detail. I just think that is a trait I missed so I really love to see it in others.

  14. Me and my Evil Twin have shared many a chuckle visiting We even had them make a calendar for a friend turning 50 (before we did… a mistake on our part, living testimonies to the old adage “Paybacks are hell…”).

  15. Hello Anna, Happy Friday!
    I don’t know about home Verizon but sounds like how I feel about Qwest. Love the poster!
    LOVE the Sarah Jane blog, don’t know how I missed that before. Did you watch the wedding this morning??
    Karen :)

  16. Your cake looks divine! I always have grandiose dreams of baking but it never seems to happen these days. Plus my husband is a cookie guy, boring!

    LOVE the poster. I was in a smack down with Verizon today. Hmm.

  17. That cake looks superdelicious!
    We’ve enjoyed for many years too. Such a hoot. We’ve had lots of dropped calls lately with Verizon….perhaps cause we live in the boondocks?


  18. That cake is a work of art. I love Easter food, and I like the fact that Easter isn’t one long, weight-gaining season like Christmas. Our chocolate eggs and gone as of yesterday, and I’m ready to be somewhat” well-behaved again.

    Hilarious poster. We have Verizon Wireless, and they’re OK, and let us change our program mid-month when “gossipy” daughter goes over her minute limit.

  19. oh, it sounds that you’ve had the most wonderful dinner – i wish i could have sneaked in to try the cake…sounds as if it’s fantastic!
    {i must confess to never have tried a true american-style cake but i’ve heard they’re quite sweet :)}
    we had a fantastic lunch/dinner/something in between after our traditional easter outing…and the best thing: the next day we all (my parents, h.’s parents, h. & me) went again to enjoy a walk (different location) and then having a feast with the leftovers :)
    if i were to go to market, by now i’d behave like an excited chicken…promise to take lots of pictures whenever you’re not too busy, pretty please!?

  20. I’m so behind on my blogs (!!) but I had to share that the Verizon check is one of my favorites! And the cake looks pretty fantastic, too!

  21. The cake looks scrumptious, what do men know anyway. My hubs doesn’t like me to venture out and make new recipes too much either. The check is hilarious, we love the Verizon cell service also, but once they charged us for something we didn’t have or use and it took a zillion calls and about a month to get them to reverse the charge.

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