
Whatever Happened to …

the kitties who drag sweaters around?

We outsmarted them. We close the bedroom door so they can’t get to the sweaters anymore. Then, they outsmarted us back. Now they drag the t.v. blankets from the family room all around the house. Every night when we come home, there’s at least one blanket on the floor. (Oh look … there’s the little culprit surveying his handiwork.)

Bad Kitties

Sometimes, the quilt is by their dinner bowl. They might be sending a signal.

Bad Kitties

the little boy who could recite Billy Collins poetry?

He actually met, and talked to Billy Collins! You can read the All Things Considered story and listen to the interview.  Definitely worth your time.  (Thanks to Jill for the tip.)

knitting here in ThimbleannaLand? In particular, the yarn that I bought at the end of this post?

I know. It’s pitiful. Not much knitting goes on around here. Most of my knitting was done on airplanes, and since I don’t travel much anymore, I’m struggling to find knitting time. The yarn mentioned, is a pair of socks in progress — they’ve been on the needles for. ev. er. The good news is the heel has been turned, so there’s hope in sight!

Blue Socks

the advent calendar I made last year?

I gave it to MyDadLovesMeBestSister and it looks much better in her house. CuteNiece2 was excitedly explaining to me last week that they don’t put the numbers in order and it makes it a lot more fun to figure out which day they’re on.  (Do I get a prize for a run-on sentence?  I had to squeeze this one in here — there really needed to be something Christmas-y on this post.  Speaking of pitiful!)

Advent Calendar

So, those were a few things I just know you were losing sleep over.  Now, off to bed!


Oh, and P.S. How fantastic is this cool idea from the Divine Twine website?

Divine Twine

Really. Look at those sugar jars! I think they were made just for Divine Twine. Look how perfectly the spool fits into the jar!

Divine Twine

(And shameless plug: the twine is still 20% off!)

42 thoughts on “Whatever Happened to …”

  1. Oh LOOK at the twine – so very festive!

    What it looks like round here is bags-under-the-eyes-stayed-up-late-beading-snowflakes.

    Yawn. It’s not as pretty as you all are at your house.

  2. I love everything! The header, the mischievous cats, the socks that knit up in a very cool pattern, love the advent and whew, the twine had me swooning.

  3. Well done on the progress on your knitting. I am just turning the heel on my second ‘toe up’ sock …. but I have to confess – I didn’t read the pattern properly and realised that the first one was too long in the foot. By the time I realised, I couldn’t be bothered to frog it, so I will have to find someone with big feet to give them to!!

  4. Oh your cheeky kitties, probably playing hide and seek in them like ours used to do! I didnt know you had 20% off twine, bugger pay day isnt until the end of the week and I love those colors. Might have to pop some in an order very soon! Your socks look fantastic too, and after you turn the heel they always seem to go so much faster that you could even have them finished by the end of the year!

  5. Love the socks! And the twine looks so pretty in the sugar jars, clever! Your kitties are a scream… I think we need a knit nite. xoxo

  6. I love your nesting cats, everyone likes a nice snuggle! The socks are looking gorgeous and it looks like you’re on the home straight. Finishing stuff off though is not as easy as it sounds is it – I still have a mitten on the needles from last winter which I’m supposed to be finishing for my Dad for Christmas!

  7. Nothing pitiful about that knitting – those socks look gorgeous to me!

    I can hardly get over the divine twine sugar shakers!

  8. OMG Anna those socks are gorgeous! Love the sugar jar idea…how perfect! Your cats are the funniest! How fun it would be to have a video camera going to see exactly what goes on when you’re gone! What a hoot!

  9. Those kitties know a good thing when they see it with it being as cold as it is these days.

    Your socks are just beautiful. Love the color and they look so nice and warm.

  10. Your cats are hilarious! And you can’t ever outsmart the kitties, that’s for sure. I’ve tried and lost every time. lol

    Your socks are cute, I love the yarn color you’re using. Socks are my absolute favorite thing to knit, although I’ve not learned to do the two socks at one time method, like you’re doing. That sure would help with that 2nd sock syndrome. :)

  11. 1. LOVE the idea for the Divine Twine!

    2. Our two terrors on 8 kitty paws do something similiar. First it was the exposed insulation from the basement. Little bits and pieces were showing up all around the house. They got bored with that and moved on to the laundry. Clean or dirty… in a basket, they found it and it too was all over the house. Not enough amusement with laundry so they moved on to my fabric scrap box. You know the drill. Now THAT one is no longer fun. They have found Punkie’s stuffed animal collection. OY! We are picking them up ALL.DAY.LONG.

  12. Your advent calendar is THE BEST. I don’t do Christmas or decorating, but I love that thing. If I did Christmas or decorating, I’d totally make one.

    Also, Divine Twine? I LOVE THIS STUFF. Lera (sky is pink) sent me some a few years back and I’m sad to say I’m getting close to the end. Now I must buy more and put it in a sugar dispenser. I mean, obviously.

  13. Love that divine twine in the sugar jars. I used to have pink and white yarn that looked like the divine twine and I liked it so much– it was great for dish cloths. Your kitties are so funny–what’s up with the blanket dragging? Your socks are looking very cute.

  14. Those cats! They think they’re human!

    I love your Advent pockets. And I like an adventure so keeping them out of numerical order is fun!

    Divine twine is so darn cute in the sugar jars. I have sugar in mine. But I like the idea of “dispensing” twine out of the top.


  15. I think your kitties are “attention seeking”! So funny. I love the idea of the twine in the sugar jars. People really come up with fantastic ideas, don’t they? I hope you are enjoying the season.

  16. Love the quilt-dragging-kitties,
    I want video. It must be quite the task, dragging a quilt 20 times bigger than you are, all about when their mother is out.
    It’s the equivalent of you taking a circus tent with you wherever you go.
    I wear a 6 1/2 shoe.
    I like the bumpy sock cuff, how’d you do that?
    I see sugar shakers in my future foR all of my divine twine.
    And Samuel chelpka meeting Billy Collins just warmed my heart.
    Samuel Chelpka for president! It’s official. I’m having shirts made.

  17. Love the cats with their blankets. As for knitting – I do most of mine in the evenings while DH watches sport on TV, I can follow what’s happening without having to devote all my attention to it. Fortunately I like watching football(soccer to those in the US of course)and cricket!

  18. You must have super powered kitties Anna, I can’t believe they can drag your quilts around.. Love the sugar shaker jars for twine, so pretty!!

  19. Ahhhh, Anna, my Quilting Poetry Goddess! Thanks for the update on the boys of “Litany.” DH and I thoroughly enjoyed the article and the YouTube video. May Erato shower you with blessings!

  20. Oh, too funny – my pets just steal socks around here.
    I love your advent calendar, I’ll have to go back and read your posts from the past and check it out.

    The sugar/twine dispensers are brilliant!

  21. Anna!
    Your cats seem to be giving Jude some new (bad boy) tricks….Good thing he hates cats or he might just try them. ;)

    The sugar dispenser re-purposing idea from Divine Twine is perfect for my fabulous collection of colors I bought from you. I am so loving using them for some of my projects.

    And the Advent banner is THE cutest thing!

    One more thing….I’ve been meaning to mention how much I love your holiday banner.

  22. I love the advent banner hanging there. That is just adorable but then darn you, everything you do is to die for!!! I really wanna be you!!
    I know what I’m doing with my divine twine now. ADORABLE!!!!!!
    That is funny that the cats drag out the quilts.
    Our dog drags her doggy bed that we take to the kennel with her, to block the door so we cant get it. LOLOL

  23. i love your thimbyulelog header – way cute!

    Auntia insisted on owning one of those sugar containers – but then she complained about not being able to stick a spoon inside it – sheesh

  24. I was in line at a store about a month ago and the person in front of me didn’t have enough money. I handed her a dollar to cover the cost of what she was buying. It felt good to help out.

  25. oh my goodness!! I bet Liza with a ‘z’ is going to cry when she opens those towels up!!

    I think you should turn the comments ‘off’ so I don’t ask you to embroider some towels for ME! ;0 Just kidding, of course.

  26. LOVE LOVE LOVE your December Header! And I LOVE your story. I’ve been giving this sort of thing a lot of thought lately. I’m making plans…. ;o)

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