
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter

I hope your weekend is filled with bunnies, eggs and lots of chocolate!


42 thoughts on “Happy Easter!”

  1. Wishing you a wonderful Easter Anna. Be sure to get your fill of chocolate! Love your last several post.

  2. Happy Easter, Thimbelanna to you and yours! What a cute bunny in a racecar! Where is racing to? Is he racing from your house to mine to bring me chocolate? LOL! ;)

    I am having a 2 year blogoversary giveaway at my blog and you still have until 12 noon PST to sign up if you would like to … just FYI

    HAPPY EASTER (once again)

    ~TattingChic ♥

  3. Hope you are having a great easter, I am so totally doing nothing! Went out for coffee with a friend – great day. Hope you are eating chocolate.

  4. Happy Easter, I was searching the Unicorn tapestries and came across your blog. It looks unique and fantastic. Kate

  5. Happy Easter! I can’t wait to hear about the treats that you’ve made (or bought). I hope that it was fun.

  6. Happy Easter, Anna. Cute bunny pic! Do you use your Hadley for Easter dinner or have something else? I’ve thought about getting enough of the bunny pattern plates that I could at least serve dessert on them.

  7. What! You have Hadley too! Don’t you just love it. I used to live in Louisville and go to the factory. It was so fun finding neat bargains.

    Hope you had a good Easter, enjoyed your family and the great weather. Off to sew for me!

  8. Happy Easter to you too! I love the picture of your bunny in the car. So cute! It’s still raining and storming here in Utah. Such a blah day fill with cleaning and organizing.

  9. Talk about Clever. I absolutely love you new header. You must be up in the night figuring out fun ways to display your thimbles. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! I also love your newest make life bunny. I’m sure you noticed that your “Make Life Bunny” is a rhyme to some of the words found in the fabric like, “Make Life Sunny” and “Make Life Fun” so cute! I really love this fabric line.

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