
Edward and Alexander

Do we have any Edward Gorey fans out there?  Here in ThimbleannaLand, we love Edward Gorey and his fabulously fun dark side.  (If you’ve ever watched PBS’s Mystery Series, those cute little black and white characters at the beginning of each show are Edward Gorey-esque characters.)

One of my very favorite Edward Gorey books is The Gashlycrumb Tinies.  It’s an illustrated alphabet book that starts out “A is for Amy who fell down the stairs. B is for Basil assaulted by bears. C is for Clara who wasted away.” And so on.  It’s dark, twisted, and hilarious.  I love it!  So, when I found this Alexander Henry fabric called The Ghastlies, I knew I had to have some.


Finny commented on my last post that, in addition to the C-word, I’m not allowed to use the H-word.  Fine.  I won’t say it.  But, I’m starting to think of a little quilt for that dark holiday that will fall right in the middle of fall quilt market.  I have to reward myself with a new project to work on because I finally finished the piecing on my beehive wallhanging.  {WooHoo!}


I had fierce arguments with myself about whether to hand quilt, machine quilt, or quilt with pearl cotton and big toe grabber stitches.  In the end, hand quilting won out and, now that I’m working on the quilting, I’m really happy about that decision.  The quilting is clipping along at a fair little pace — much better than I expected.  Hopefully, I won’t burn out before it is finished.


So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to catch a little quilting this evening.  The Ghastlies are having a bath, because, as you know I’m a pre-shrinker!


41 thoughts on “Edward and Alexander”

  1. LOVE that ghastlies fabric!!!!
    can’t wait to see your wallhanging.
    stop cussin’ on the blog. i’m going to turn you into the blog police.
    i think molly is the constable.

  2. OMB? Sorry, small keyboard on this iPad… Of course I meant OMG, which is an expression I never use.

  3. Use the H-word and the C-word as frequently as you like to me. If I don’t get thinking soon it’ll be H and C 2011 before I’m done sewing!

  4. Too cute, and I will be your enabler: HALLOWEEN! We always visit the Christmas shop on vacation, and this year I bought Halloween decorations, and I am *this close* to putting them out!

  5. I can’t wait to see the wallhanging! It looks so pretty from the picture. The other day, I brought home some Christmas gift wrap that matched our tree and my husband couldn’t believe that I was already thinking of that!

  6. The fabric is great. I prewash also. The hand quilting won and it is looking good. I like the little sneal peak you gave us of the quilting.

  7. What a great piece of fabric! I’m looking forward to seeing your finished project.
    And I don’t mind the H word, but I’m with you on the C word. :)

  8. The fabric is adorable and I’ve debated a few times with myself about getting it. I can’t wait to see what you create with it.

  9. That is such fun fabric! My hubby would love something out of that since he’s a bit darker than the rest of us… a.k.a The Nightmare Before Chrsitmas… :)

    Jennifer :)

  10. Hi Anna!
    The Ghastlies are soo cool…I haven’t seen them in the stores yet but ever since someone showed me the line I was hooked…I’m not much a fan of Halloween fabric (just don’t like the orange-lilac-black-ugly-green combination) – but I’ll definitely try to get some of the fabrics and make my own Halloween quilt/bag/???…
    Love the last picture *grin*…
    BTW, they remind me of the illustrations by David Roberts from the Eddie Dickens books by Philip Ardagh ( )
    Have fun quilting – can’t wait to see the result.
    xoxo, Julia

  11. Can you see me waving my hand in the air? I’m a huge Edward Gorey fan. So is my sister and she would love that fabric. Have you read any of Hilaire Belloc’s work? His Cautionary Tales for Children are superbly macabre and hilariously funny. Here’s one for you:

    Matilda, Who Told Lies and Was Burned to Death

    Matilda told such Dreadful Lies,
    It made one Gasp and Stretch one’s Eyes;
    Her Aunt, who, from her Earliest Youth,
    Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth,

    Attempted to believe Matilda:
    The effort very nearly killed her,
    And would have done so, had not She
    Discovered this Infirmity.
    For once, towards the Close of Day,
    And finding she was left alone,
    Went tiptoe
    the telephone
    And summoned the Immediate Aid
    Of London’s Nobel Fire-Brigade.
    Within an hour the Gallant Band
    Were pouring in on every hand,
    From Putney, Hackney Downs and Bow,
    With Courage high and Hearts a-glow
    They galloped, roaring though the Town,

    “Matilda’s House is Burning Down”
    Inspired by British Cheers and Loud
    Proceeding from the Frenzied Crowd,
    They ran their ladders through a score
    Of windows on the Ball Room Floor;
    And took Peculiar Pains to Souse
    The Pictures up and down the House,

    Until Matilda’s Aunt succeeded
    In showing them they were not needed
    And even then she had to pay
    To get the Men to go away!

    . . . . .

    It happened that a few Weeks later
    Here aunt was off to the Theatre
    To see that Interesting Play
    The Second Mrs. Tanqueray.

    She had refused to take her Niece
    To hear this Entertaining Piece:
    A Deprivation Just and Wise
    To Punish her for Telling Lies.
    That Night a Fire did break out-
    You should have heard Matilda Shout!
    You should have heard her Scream and Bawl,

    And throw the window up and call
    To People passing in the Street-
    (The rapidly increasing Heat
    Encouraging her to obtain
    Their confidence)-but it was all in vain!
    For every time She shouted “Fire!”

    They only answered “Little Liar!”
    And therefore when her Aunt returned,
    Matilda, and the House, were burned.

    Can you imagine the drawings that EG would do?

  12. i get a kick out of the fact that i get an education from your posts…
    anna. as you know i am a no blog baker & i enter the quilting world from your perspective & truly it looks like such fun…perhaps tedious sometimes but truly, your finished pieces are so lovely & some so whimsical!
    btw: this new fabric is great …hope to see the beehive wall hanging soon!!

  13. I love this fabric – it is much more difficult (and expensive) for us over here to find such wondrous stuff!! I pre-wash if it is for something that will be washed when in use, but I don’t pre-wash for wallhangings.

  14. Dude. Anna! You said the H-word right there!

    Just kidding, doll – I won’t punish you. Unless, of course, I start seeing red and green fabric rolling across these pages any day soon.

    Meanwhile, I’ve never heard of the Ghastlies or Gashlycrumb Tinies, but the concept of a children’s series (is it a children’s series?) where B is for Basil assaulted by bears is hilarious.

    Perhaps my goddaughter needs this series. I already gave her the Yellowstone book, “Who pooped in the park?”

    I’m a very good role model.

  15. I do so love the Ghastlies Fabric!! And for some reason, I did not know who Edward Gorey was until today, but yes, I have seen his pen & ink art!! I’ve ordered two of his books on Amazon just tonight. Thanks for introducing me to this fun artist and author. BTW, what will you be making that ghastly fabric into? Can’t wait to find out.


  16. oh…huge fan of quirky fabric and this group in in my scope…. closing in on ownership for sure…

    and no “H” word?… no “C” word?? come play with me.. both allowed all year!

  17. Dang Bloglines!! I didn’t tell me you were doing all this posting, good thing I clicked over here to see what was up. Love the Gorey fabric! I always loved Mystery and those graphics they used….that is really fun for the H-word. How neat that the bunny pincushion has been found, now all those that love them and weren’t as lucky as me (gloat) to win one can still have their own. Mine used to sit on the desk where the computer is but I’ve moved him up on a shelf because I was so afraid Emma the crazy dachshund would get at him. And that just might seal her fate. ; )
    ps. you always link to the neatest blogs! (time-suck!!!)

  18. I love that fabric! So much so that I’m ordering some for the Shoppe. Of course I want it all except the one with the pinkish background. Did you get the grey or whitish? I’m debating which one to get! I mean, not sure I could order it all! The green background looks nice too! Oh well, decisions, decisions! ;o)Thanks for sharing!

  19. Love that fabric. Must have the book for my insanely large children’s book library. (Hey, you don’t teach first grade for ten years and not come out of it without a few treasures. Mr. Handsome doesn’t see the treasure part, but he humors me.)
    Can’t wait for a better look at that H-quilt, Anna.


  20. How great to find another Edward Gorey fan. I’ve had the Gashlycrumb Tinies since the 60s given to me by my best friend. I’ve since bought a couple of his other books. I love his illustration style and soooo wry. But, where or where did you find the fabric. It is wonderful and fun. Good for.
    Glad I was able to catch up a bit.

  21. i’m making a quilt for my sister with the Ghastlie fabric – i dunno if it will be finished by the time the H word comes around, but she already loves it … and i am thinking that dianne needs one, too (even though i already have plans for a gazillion H word quilts)

  22. I also love Edward Gorey and was introduced through the PBS mysteries. LOVE the fabric. And not to early for the H word. Hello Halloween, falling leaves and hand-knit sweaters! I am looking forward to fall!!!

  23. I’ve kept myself away from quilt stores until I finish some of the many projects hanging around. I’m still catching up on a summer full of weddings, construction, and kids. I’m loving my new room, had the carpets cleaned today in the rest of the house, am catching up at work, and digging out a little more everyday. It feels good. Look…I’m even reading my favorite blogs again. And now…I’m going to have to go and look for that fabric because I love HALLOWEEN and it’s just too much of a temptation to keep me from searching it out in my favorite quilt stores.

    Can’t wait to decorate (for Halloween) in my new room. I’ve been dreaming up all kinds of possibilities.

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