
A Post for Jody

About two years ago (or could it be three by now?), my sweet blog friend Jody posted that she had some heirloom hollyhock seeds to give out, if anyone would like some.  I’ve never had hollyhocks, but I remember seeing a beautiful row of Hollyhocks at Piper’s Quilt Shop in Salt Lake years ago, so I jumped at the chance.  Hollyhocks are biennials which means that they need two growing seasons to bloom.


Last year, the green parts came up, but it sure didn’t seem like they did much growing.  Turns out, the bunnies were nibbling on them, so I thought that they might not return this year.  They did come back and I watched that plant like a nervous hen, all spring and into the summer.  Poor Jody, every now and then, I’d e-mail her wondering why they hadn’t bloomed yet.  There were buds, but they weren’t doing anything.  “Patience” she replied.


And finally.  Bloom, bloom they did.  Aren’t they gorgeous?  Look at all that yummy pollen there, just waiting for some lucky bee.  And I love the pretty green stars that peek out from behind the petals.


Thank you, thank you SO much Jody.  I’ve enjoyed these beautiful flowers immensely and I think of you every time I see them.  If you, dear reader, haven’t been to visit Jody, you are missing a true gem.  Jody writes beautifully about life on the Prairie where there’s never a dull moment.  Her latest post is a classic case — there’s even a very cool video that would be perfect for your nature-loving children.


And now, I fear, I owe ALL of you a BIG apology.  In my last post, Karen correctly pointed out that I used the “C-word”. The shame! I make it a point to harangue anyone who uses the “C-word” in the summer (in fact poor Karen was my victim last year), so it’s especially grievous that I have sinned. What comes around, goes around. Please forget I ever mentioned it, and I do hope you’ll forgive me as I retreat to my little corner.


33 thoughts on “A Post for Jody”

  1. I always grew up with hollyhocks in the garden but don’t have any in my own garden anymore. Yours are gorgeous and your photos are beautiful. Thanks for a memory.

  2. Michele in Huntsville

    LOVE the photos! and I had to reread the whole post again searching for the “C” word – finally found it – at the bottom! Too funny! PLEASE!!! Don’t make me think of the “C” word yet!! ACKKK!!!

  3. I love your hollyhocks; they are quintessentially “cottage garden”, aren’t they? I wasn’t sure what the C-word was all about until I reread the previous post and I’m now wondering if you meant Christmas???

  4. Hollyhocks are my favourites! These ones are gorgeous…….Don’t know if they’d grow down here, but have a packet of seeds which I plan to plant in September. Loved the video on Jody’s blog!!

    And you are very naughty to be bringing up the “C” word this early in the year——-Oh-oh! I just realized we’re half way through August already. Can someone tell me how THAT happened? It seems to me it would be reasonable if it were March, or April even….but AUgust??

  5. Oh Anna! How COULD you use the c word so soon! That truly is shocking! ;o)

    Love those hollyhocks though – especially the little green stars! Lucy xxx

  6. the vibrant color of your hollyhocks is glorious! & thanks for sharing the link to jodi’s blog.

  7. Wow, they are beautiful Anna. My grandma had hollyhocks growing along side her house. Now every time I see some I’m reminded of her.

  8. Anna! Look at your beautiful blooms! I knew they’d come, and I am smiling inside and out to think that a little part of me now lives with you! Many more happy returns of the hollyhocks to you!


  9. I finally had one hollyhock bloom this year! I love the old fashion singles and have been fortunate to be able to gather some seeds from friends. Hopefully next year I’ll have more. Thank you so much for telling us about Jody! What a wonderful blog and a great story teller. I’m going to be spending hours catching up on her posts.

  10. The hollyhocks are gorgeous and your pictures of them are stunning along with such a sweet story.
    And I love getting a jump on Christmas…oops!

  11. You’re only a little bit early with the ‘c’ word – these days our shops start showing ‘c’ things from the 1st of September!! I love the colour of the hollyhocks – they would make a stunning quilt block!!

  12. My mom made hollyhock dolls for my sister and me. She turned the blossom upside down and stuck a bud on it with a straight pin for the head. We would dance the lovely ladies around in some water in a pie plate.

  13. i had to go and read your post again to see what word you had been reprimanded for!
    i’ve been using that word since JANUARY!!!
    i love hollyhocks, but pink ones are my favs.
    yours are just beautiful!!!!

  14. i LOVE your hollyhocks. i think they are such a vintage flower, aren’t they? one time i told my friend that i wanted to plant some. she asked me why i wouldn’t want to plant some pretty flowers? LOLOLOL!!! i’m still laughing about that one about 10 years later. :)

  15. My mom used to have hollyhocks growing in the alley behind our house. They don’t always get the respect they deserve. I’m so impatient, but I should just plant some next year, knowing that I’ll have to wait a year for them to really blossom. Yours look like they were worth the wait.

  16. Oh I just LOVE hollyhocks – one of my favourite summer flowers. I have the pink ones and am trying to get some other colours. Once you have them, you will have them forever as they just keep coming back – so happy and cheerful in a garden.

  17. I love Hollyhocks…I didn’t know the thing about 2 years to bloom. That must be why the last (and only) time I planted them I thought they just wouldn’t grow here. I will definitely try again now. Yours are gorgeous!!1

  18. Oh beautiful, I didn’t know what a hollyhock was either, but they are really gorgeous. Oh buggar, I didn’t know there were rules about the C word – I used them this week too. Oh damn, now I’ve added a B-word …. and a D-word!

  19. He he :) I really didn’t care, I just knew you had a rule. Like Stephanie, my mom made hollyhock dolls for me, at my grandmother’s house. I agree, they are quintessential cottage garden!

  20. Hmm. I just got an error saying I am “posting comments too quickly. Slow down.” I guess that means I’m a big mouth, especially since I’m commenting again!

  21. Did you know, I have known Jody for years, long before blogs. We have even chatted on the phone a few times. She is the best. Sadly my hollyhock seeds never took off. So enjoy yours for me xoxoxo Clarice

  22. Oh my Hollyhocks are one of my all time favorites,I love them especially the old fashioned ones. Yours look great Anna, I think mine are finished for the season…

  23. Gorgeous! Our neighbors have them and they’re so tall they tower over the fence so we can enjoy them, too. HOT!

    And, no C-Wording from you, Ms. Anna. And, if I can be so bold – no H-Word either.


  24. I have hollyhocks growing out of my ears and I adore them. They self seed everywhere and new shades of maroon and pink come up every year. I have some very similar to this one – I am very happy for you – aren’t they beautiful? I just had an urge to send you some seed but then I remembered it’s illegal to send plant materials over the water (well I’m pretty sure it is).

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