

Arrrrgh! Sorry I’ve been gone for a few extra days there. There’s just so much going on around here, I’m having trouble keeping my head above water. I’m way overdue on choosing the winner of The Quilter’s Bible Book, although that hasn’t seemed to disturb many of you. Apparently you’re all busy too!

Lego Man

So, The Random ManofTheHouse Generator came up with Becky as our big winner. Becky mentioned in her comment that she’s fairly new to quilting and this book is perfect for a beginner, so I’m really happy that she’s won. Congratulations Becky!

Lego Man

Not a stitch of sewing going on around here. Lots of appointments for cabinets, floors, appliances, drainage people (that’s for outside, not the kitchen!) etc. It’s hard to keep it all straight. We’re slowly making some headway though.

Lego Man

Appliances have been ordered and cabinet changes worked out. Still need to choose flooring and the countertop decision is probably going to kill me. I just can’t seem to figure it out. There are too many choices and they all have their pros and cons. I think the best thing to do is put them all up on a wall and throw a dart.

Lego Man

Hopefully, I’ll be able to sew or crochet or do some little thing with a needle this weekend — I can tell I’m having needle withdrawal and I’m getting cranky. As you can see, I’ve been reduced to playing with LegoMan. I guess if you’re going to drown, doing it in buttons is a pretty good way to go!


45 thoughts on “Drowning”

  1. Great win for Becky! I feel you pain over ht ewhole renovating saga, it sure takes time but there is light at the end. Love your photos, as always, they make me smile.

  2. You seem to be able to make every post fun to read! Love those pictures of Lego Man drowning in a jar of buttons!

    I’m not too thrilled about our thick solid beech wooden kitchen countertop. It looks fantastic, but it’s very delicate material. Some of our friends have decided to go for granite, which comes in very warm colours these days and they are very happy with the maintenance and it’s durable.

    Good luck!

  3. Congrats to Becky!

    But you do realise, I hope, that we are going to have to report you to the Lego police for crimes against small plastic people … ;-)

  4. I’m laughing so much at the little picture story going on here that I wasn’t paying attention to what you’d written! Hope you come up for air soon.

  5. Congrats to the winner! Perfect book for a fairly new quilter…well for any quilter really!
    Poor Lego Man! Hope things settle down a bit and all the decisions just come together.

  6. I am also behind on my posting….I’m feeling a bit blah and apathetic. That happens whenever we start spring quarter and I realize I have 11 LONG weeks before summer break!

  7. I was going to ask you about what you had chosen for the countertops, but then I saw that you hadn’t decided yet. Don’t you hate having workmen traipsing through your house?

  8. LOL, love your little legoman! My eldest son loves to make mini-movies (kind of like clay-mation) with his lego’s/men.

    Sorry the countertops are giving you headhaches. The right one will jump out at you.

  9. I have always known that working the needles is like a calming balm and it sure has come in handy the last few months. Good luck picking your counters…can’t wait to see your choice :)


  10. Love the pictures with LegoMan. Awesome! Things sound like they are coming together. Don’t worry about the counters. You’ll make a decision. I like your dart idea. Give it a try!

  11. Congrats to Becky! I remember what you’re going through. In our Illinois home we remodeled our kitchen. People would come over and be amazed at the difference…gone went the 80’s look :)

  12. loved your little leggo guy. I miss those day with the kids.
    I feel the same way – I have forced myself to sit and hand quilt a little lately, and that really helped!

  13. Awww.. I love the little Lego Man. Congratulations to Becky. And I know your kitchen will turn out wonderful. Although I understand the decision making thing…I’m not good at that either. I’m looking forward to seeing what you choose in the end.

  14. Anna, if you have time to play with Lego Man…….I’m just sayin’. Why is it that the enormous back end of the To-Do Elephant is always in our way? Eventually it will move and your path will be cleared of the big gray blob with a crack in it. ;)

    Congratulatiosn to Becky!

  15. A very cheerful way to start my day, thanks! I can’t even figure out what color to paint our bedroom, I’d never get through a kitchen remodel!

  16. I’d throw you a life ring , but I’d have to hang on too!
    Good luck with the re-model project. I’m sure whatever you choose will turn out beautiful!

  17. shout out to becky…great!!

    re-modelling is very stressful…but the end result is always wonderful & the stress will become a memory…

  18. You crack me up! I love the LegoMan. Hopefully he made it through the traumatic event of the button sink-hole! I have needle envy of anyone who gets to touch one! I am waist deep in laundry and boxes…anywho I will have a lovely new room in which to sew in the new home! WOOT WOOT!

  19. It’s better to be busy than have nothing to do…. even though it can get stressful sometimes!!! Take care Anna and I hope you get to relax with some sewing this weekend.

  20. Love the lego man,,,,I am not envious of you making decisions, been there done that. I watched Payton today and he threw all of my buttons all over my sewing room. (He had fun :) )

  21. You’re Lego guy is hilarious! Thanks for making me smile – even when you don’t much feel like it. (I know your kitchen reno pain … been there.)

  22. I have been hard at work in the studio so it has been hard to keep up with everyone. I will try and remember to pray for you (you’re going to need it – a kitchen remodel can test the best of us). Just think – next year, this time, it will all be a memory and your beautiful kitchen will getting ready for Easter. I can’t wait to see it. Carolina

  23. This was such a fun post to read…I feel just like that Lego guy sometimes…just hanging on by a thread…but, hey, at least he’s surrounded by buttons!

  24. i have a lego space shuttle that could rescue Legoman outta the buttons and into orbit … then he’d be OUT THERE!

  25. That jar of buttons and the lego man are great visuals!! :) Today’s organization from the challenge is done! :) Hoping they all go this well! :) You planned 6 weeks ahead? Wow! I’m impressed! I felt good about 2-3! :)

  26. Anna, you crack me up. :) Hang in there . . . remodeling is such a pain, but you know you’ll love it at the end.

    Fwiw, I love marble, soapstone, and formica. (Sorry, I just made you gasp, didn’t I? lol) Formica/laminate is durable, cheap-o, and moderately easy to upgrade later. (Well, compared to flooring or painting walls.) It’s also a way to save a few hundred $$$ so you can do a little more elsewhere. Then, in a while you can do the counters.

    I’m actually planning on Ikea’s wood countertop in the carriage house, and thinking if I like it that I’ll use it in the farmhouse, too. (With a marble or soapstone island. I <3 both of those.)

    Best of luck!

  27. Congrats to Becky!!! What a sweet post..and sorry you are drowning a bit … I’m thinking Legoman will save you! Lots going on in your world right now.

  28. I feel for you on all those decisions! I would have a hard time deciding too. So many choices!

    Legoman’s adventure cracked me up. Very cute and clever. lol

  29. Anna! I am laughing here with the Lego Man climbing up the baker’s twine! Boy howdy! I am totally with you on MUCH TO DO!! However, I would rather swim amongst the buttons rather than the daunting tasks at home.

    Thanks so much for picking my name! I feel very blessed to have won! Maybe now I will get my quilting learn on!

    love ya,

  30. Anna, your posts are always so entertaining to read. I love the little Lego guy playing (I hate to think he’s gonna drown) in the buttons. So clever! Thanks for the smile today.

  31. Drowning? Want company? Seems I can barely get my head above water. Presently taking a small break from machine quilting Rabbit Prefer chocolate. It would be nice if it was done before next weekend! ;o) Cheers!

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