
Winner, Winner…

Well, all the fun guessing over my stove knob colors has come to an end.  You guys are SOOO funny.  I decided to add some Divine Twine with a little pair of scissors to the Ruby charm pack.  (The Ruby charm packs should be here in about 2 weeks.)


So….what color did we get?


I swear…I have no idea how it happened.  I think I wanted black and TheManoftheHouse somehow talked me into red.  I was really surprised when that stove arrived with red knobs — I thought for sure we’d ordered black, but I checked the invoice and sure enough, Bigger than Dallas, it said r.e.d.  Black would certainly have been a better match for our kitchen — there’s going to be a lot of brown (the thoughts of which make me want to throw up), but Red it is!  I’m thinking I’ll probably love them and they’ll take my mind off of the sea of brown.  I hope so anyway.

And the winner?  I took all the red guesses and copied them into a word file (did you know if you do that it will automatically number them for you?) and made TheManoftheHouse Random Number Generator yell out a number.

“What for?”

“Just Do It.”


Miriam Yellow Roses, Come on Down!  (And send me your address!)


And theeennn, because I was just as surprised as you are, I decided to give all you black guessing girls a shot, since you said such nice things.

“Do it Again.”


Melissa Life’s Been Good to Me Sew Far (haha) you win for the black team.  Send me YOUR address too.


Thanks everyone for playing!  Now, do you wanna see our new thermostat?

Hey — I heard you say “not really”.    I’m going to show you anyway, ’cause it’s really sexy.


I have no idea why we have a new thermostat.  It’s a man thing.  We got a new furnace last fall and last week they showed up and put this new thermostat in.  Something about needing to train the technicians on this new technology.  There were several people here to learn the ropes (I hope that’s not a bad thing).  All I know is I think it’s pretty cool.  See that 4th icon up there?  Weather?  (Sorry for the poor light pictures.)  It has wireless internet and it goes out and gets the current temp, forecast and lots of other stuff like the radar map.


Which I’m going to LOVE.  Whenever I go to mow the lawn, if it’s cloudy I always have to wait while the computer comes up to check the radar map and see if there are any storms around us.  Now I just have to hit the weather button — no waiting!

Now I’ll go sit in the corner while you all find pity on the poor person who gets all excited over a dumb ol’ thermostat.  ;-D  Have a wonderful week!


37 thoughts on “Winner, Winner…”

  1. i LOVE your thermostat benedict, just. LOVE. it!!!
    i had no idea there were thermostats out there like that, think of all i’d be missing if we weren’t imaginary friends!
    oh, and again, i win the first commenter prize.
    they’re really stacking up.
    you better do something about it.
    :waves madly

  2. swell … now i’ll have to listen to little miss melissa tell me that she knows more about you than i do … sheesh!

    niiiice thermostat … i dunno about the radar map, though – i have an electric mower and i would probably NEVER mow the lawn if i knew for sure that there were storms in the area (any excuse to NOT have to mow, lemmetellya).

  3. Well, I’m happy you got the RED, even though it meant I didn’t win. I ? RED!

    And that thermostat…Wow! Technology, eh? You could watch tv shows on it. Or something like that :)

  4. Ohh my goodness!! Thank you Anna! What a lovely surprise….I have read your post 3 times to make sure I read my name correctly the first time! lol

    I am really glad you went with red!

    Wow, that thermostat is amazing!! It looks like it is almost clever enough to make you a cup of tea! lol

  5. Congrats to the winners…..but I’m still wondering why no polka dot knobs :-)!! No way am I showing my husband your thermostat!!! That’s man heaven right there!

  6. Congrats to the winners! So the devil must have secretly changed the orderform and there will be red knobs!

    That’s a pretty smart thermostat!

  7. Congrats to the winners – and even though I am a very unimaginative person who chose black, I do rather covet those red knobs. I literally cannot wait to see them fitting into your kitchen.

    Your thermostat is way too sexy to be looking at over breakfast. I shall hide it from my hubby!

  8. Who would have thought! I was convinced you went with the black ;).

    Wow, and what a thermostat! Do you need a PhD to figure out how it works? But it’s pretty cool that it has radar to track any storms.

  9. RED!! wow!! & congrats to the winners!
    cannot wait to see photos of the finished kitchen!!
    i LOVE your new thermostat! fabulous!
    have a great week…RED you say…!!!!

  10. LOL Anna, too funny! That spot of red will be just the thing a brown kitchen needs, you’ll see!!

    Coll thermometer too ;)

  11. I knew it was red….although you wanted black? lol Very cool thermostat, I am NOT showing hubs!

  12. Do not, I repeat,do not show my husband this. Just kidding. We need to update our thermostat and this one is perfect. My husband is obesessed by the weather. Don’t you just love the red knobs? I hope we get finished kitchen photos! Brown? Sorry. Got rid of oak and compromised with Alder (I wanted Maple).

  13. Anna, my stove came with blue knobs…I didn’t even KNOW I could pick a color! Red would have fit right in my kitchen but se la vie. Blue looks JUST fine. ;0 Hey, I like that thermastat.

  14. Congratulations to both your winners. Red knobs. You will love them. What a fancy thermostat! You know? I think I love it! :)

  15. We’ll have a pity party together.. ‘cus I’d find that thermostat cool too! I’d be checking it all the time!

    I’m a bit of a weather watcher to the point where I have mothers at the school gate asking me what the weather is going to be! LOL (If only they knew I just repeat what I’ve seen on the BBC)

  16. I just knew you would pick the red knobs! You know what? If you get to the point you don’t like them, order the black!

  17. Red is good. Red is good. Red is good.

    Heehee – I have a pair of those very scissors sitting on my desk at work!

  18. She thinks my thermostat’s sexy!
    Yes, I do. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I’m still on analog.

    Hooray for the winners! Looking forward to seeing your kitchen makeover.


  19. The red knobs will be awesome! What a great way to add a fun dash of color. :)

    That thermostat is AWESOME!! I didn’t even know such things existed, I sure would be excited about it too. lol

  20. I’m very impressed with your thermostat! It’s definitely the all singing, all dancing version:)
    I think that the red knobs on your stove will add a lovely splash of colour to your kitchen especially on a dull, grey winter’s day.

  21. Well, that’s a snazzy thermostat! I see why you are so happy about it. Red knobs = VERY GOOD. Red is the best color for house mouse accessories and I love knobs. Have you ever looked at the Mackenzie-Childs knobs? Oh my goodness. Knob heaven!

  22. Okay, red it is. Well, at least you will see a warning sign when you use your stove. lol So, they make iPhone type thermostats? Cool! Can you surf the net with it? Ya know, look at the weather site to see what temp you ought to set you house at! Does it have a feature where you can answer a call while setting it? All important features ya know! I’m all for technology working for me. Seems everyone around me believes the opposite! lol Enjoy your new toys! Cheers!

  23. Well, I should have read the whole entry. Serves me right for speed reading! I’m all about pictures. I do even read patterns, just look at pictures and numbers. Coupable! So, yea you can surf the net! I still think you ought to be able to answer calls while you stand there! My method for knowing the weather, is to look out side! I’m such an old fashion girl! lol

  24. Well ya boo sucks – you didn’t choose me despite all the sheepie photos!! Love the posh thermostat – we have a lovely thing which a friend gave us which involves a piece of string … if the string’s wet it’s raining, if the string is waving about it’s windy (you get the idea!!) Encountered lots of American tourists today – at least the men weren’t wearing those awful loud checked trousers so beloved of other Americans we have encountered in the past!!

  25. Why that is a sexy thermometer ;-) Our radar would just show the same thing, over and over!! The joys of living in WA xoxo Clarice

  26. Forget the stove, I’ve got thermostat goosebumps! oh, congrats to the two lucky winners. I want that thermostat. I am not in a habit of sharing my blog reads with my hubby but this is an exception. Although around here it never rains and every day is practically perfect in every way but I just got to have it. LOL!

  27. I’m just laughing over the random number generator! So funny. That is the fanciest thermostate ever. Hope it’s in the kitchen. That’ll jazz things up. I love that you got red knobs. Nothing boring about them and brown is a great neautral. Accent it with more red!

  28. Guess you’re safe from that spanking I promised because the red knobs are THE MOST.

    Good choice.

    So, red knobs and the fanciest thermostat I’ve ever seen…I love it at your house!

  29. RED!!!!!!!!!!!!! It just has to be red if you are my friend and I know you ARE my friend!!!! Yippeeeee. Congrats to your winners!!! Very cute gifty but I’d expect nothing less from you and your crafty self.

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