
We Need A Cat Whisperer

Last week, we experienced a little hijinx around here.  It seems that someone has developed a fondness for my sweaters.  ????  Every night when we came home from work, we found one of my sweaters in a crumpled pile on the floor, in a different room of the house.  (And just for the record, I don’t leave them thrown all over the house — they sit folded on a shelf in our bedroom closet.)

Kitty Kaper

We narrowly escaped disaster on Tuesday — that sweater was halfway to never being seen again.  Given extra time, it could have been sucked into the abyss-under-the-bed.  The first few days we just laughed, thinking it would be short lived.  But, toward the end of the week, it was clear that someone, was enjoying this little game.  In an effort to thwart the prankster, I closed the closet door on Friday morning before I left for work.  Being smarter than the average cat, our little felon managed to get the door open.  It deterred him enough though, that he only had time to pull a few sweaters off of the shelf — but no time to drag them around the house.

Kitty Kaper

So.  The big question is…who’s the guilty party?  Paul?

Kitty Kaper

Or TheEmptyNestChild???

Kitty Kaper

At least this time, we know it’s not the monkey.  He’s been safely locked away since the last event.

Feel free to provide parenting advice.  ;-)


52 thoughts on “We Need A Cat Whisperer”

  1. Ours does the same with socks from the laundry room. We think she is leaving us “presents.” Well, not so much for me, she prefers Charlie — and they are usually his socks!

  2. Now that is just too funny!!!!!
    I don’t have any good advice, I have to keep the bedroom door shut so Emma the wiener dog doesn’t do naughty things in my room.

  3. I think the EmptyNestChild looks a bit guilty! Or maybe they let the monkey out when you’re not home? What would we do without our naughty kitties …

    I think I was holding my breath in fear you were going to post a picture of a half-knit sweater they’d destroyed!

  4. You must not be snuggling those poor kitties enough. How terrible to have to kidnap sweaters to get a little lovin’! Empty nest child looks just a hair guiltier to me than Paul. Empty nest child’s twin, who lives at our house, recommends snuggling into a down comforter after the people leave the bed, preferably snuggling right on top of where the hot water bottle is still giving off some heat!

  5. That’s so sweet. There could be a reason for it. Probably one of your furry friends loves you so much that he/she is looking for your scent!

    We once had a cat-astrophe with our two cats and the vet explained they only recognize us by our scent and voice. Quite disappointing he? They don’t notice our dressing up or our hairdo.

    So the responsible creature misses you during the day!

  6. Anna
    get a battery and wires.. those kitties come anywhere NEAR your sweaters they are toast (literally).. Its nice to know that furry boogers live in more than one house…

    Um, I’ll let you in on a secret.. CATS HATE FOIL.. my cat was a wee bit naughty (literally) put foil everywhere he isn’t allowed and he will NOT cross it.. there are some tentative paw prints on it, but thats it! looks unattractive but you make the foil smaller (fold it possum) and ‘ta da’ or ‘voila’ perfect pussy cat (ok, lying) not so naughty putty putt…

    if all else fails, try the battery / wire – electric fence idea.. fried felines! LOL


  7. Way too funny!! Well, since we have 3 cats, you would think I would have some sound advice for you. Au contraire… The only advice I can give you is to stay home. But since you need to make money to feed the little buggers, might I suggest that you not only shut the closet door, but deadbolt it too. Now that would stop it for sure! Although, the antics are kind of cute and you could just let them persist.

  8. LOL! Mine like to open my husband’s armoire and nap on his socks, but they don’t drag them around, so no advice here, I’m afraid.
    You did put a smile on my face this morning.
    Thanks and good luck with the dilemma.

  9. Oh I had forgotten about the “monkey” mug shots – put a smile on my face…
    The cats we’ve had pretty much do what they want and if you start pissing them off – they’ll be “well, you know”.
    Now we have a 6 mos old yorkie – she is addicted to dryer sheets, so doing laundry is a little trickier these day. And now she can catch the ball in the air AND plays soccer – she’s the best goalie ever. What would we do without our pets? My husband has been converted and is head-over-heels in love with her. She gets more kisses than I do! Maybe give the mystery sweater bandit his own old sweater of yours to keep him out of the closet…
    You’re a hoot Anna – your blog brings me joy.

  10. Hi Anna,
    Only you could take pretty pictures of sweaters on the floor! I think one of your kitties just misses her “Mom”. Our dogs like socks and hats with pom-poms…

  11. I think it’s so darn cute, but then they aren’t my sweaters.
    Thanks for the post. I am enjoying a good laugh during an otherwise all-too-serious and slightly hectic workday.
    And I miss my cat.

  12. I had my February Lady Sweater nicely folded on my dresser for quite a few days. Then I noticed it looked flattened but didn’t think anything of it. Then it was half way falling off the dresser and then it was on the floor. Come to find out black kitty was sleeping on it at night. What finally gave her away was the she knocked a picture of the dresser in the middle of the night while trying to figure out how to get back on the sweater that I had move on top of a vase. Silly kitty.

  13. Oh, they look so innocent! Maybe you could go to the Goodwill and get the culprit his own Thimbleanna-approved sweater to nap on. And put a lock on the closet door! lol

  14. I think Paul. His hairs would not show up as much on your dark jumpers. Empty nest cat would leave more incriminating hairs lying around…

  15. NyDadLovesMeBestSister

    That cat is bonkers!! No doubt it is Emptynestchild – hmmm – maybe Teddy would like to join in on that game – at your house.

  16. HA! I, personally, vote for TheEmptyNestChild, since that photo provides evidence as to the friskiness.

    Plus, nest…sweater pile…see where I’m going here?

    Tell me, which of your cats has opposable thumbs?

    Bubba’s cat used to steal slippers and “hatch” them on our stair landing by sitting on them like a mother hen and yowling.

    It was delightfully hilarious and weird.

    Cats! They strange.

  17. Definitely the “empty nest child” LOL …. I’m loving the “WHO ME?????” look on his (her??) face he he he. Honestly though Anna, how could you possibly get cross with them, look at those adorable lil’ faces ;o).
    Joy :o)

  18. That is too funny! We don’t have cats so I don’t have much advice. But I do have to say that pets sure seem to have a knack for keeping us on our toes.

    Jennifer :)

  19. Ha ha.
    That is so funny.
    I can´t help you.
    Living together with to cats who develop new strange habbits every few weeks, I stopped wondering.
    I don´t know your furry darlings, but tell me, has one of them a strange kind of humor?
    I swear my tomcat has.
    I am sure I saw him smile several times he fooled me.
    Have fun with your little jesters

  20. Well, Anna,
    I am not sure which culprit is guilty but I can tell that they both seem to want your attention. Cats are such funny pets- Mar our cat, often will bat things off my husband’s dresser in the hopes that he might notice she has not had treats. She also can flush the toilet and then runs away to hide- we think she enjoys watching the water go round and round.
    She and our dog have an up and down relationship- both think they are the boss- though I believe that Mars, still is the queen bee.
    As long as your cat is not doing damage or wetting on your sweaters , there are worse sorts of entertaining things for a pet to do..

  21. i’m going to take up a collection from your blog friends to buy the poor cat some sweaters.
    pooooor cat.
    lonely all day at home, and now he can’t even get to any sweaters? what’s a guy to do????
    they can email me for paypal instructions.
    crying shame i tell you.

  22. Parenting advice? Round these parts we employ 1,2,3…magic, and the naughty step. We sometimes bribe with stickers. You may also hear, ‘the fairies are sad because you have not done as you’re told’. I’m sure all these methods appear in one manual or other as the things NOT to do. That’s all I know. Not sure it would translate for felines!

  23. Dogs, at least, have the decency to appear to feel some guilt after they have shown disrespect to their human’s personal property. Cats, on the other hand, couldn’t care less whether they’ve offended you or not. I’d say it’s possibly both of your felines:)

  24. Someone in your family is begging for attention! Could it be a 2-legged creature? I suggest you set up a ‘Nannie Cam’ and get the culpret caught on tape!

    Detective Joni

  25. Hmm… If the culprit is anything like other cats I’ve known, the solution is simple. Tell them (with extreme enthusiasm) that Oh, BOY! These sweaters are YOURS! All for YOU!

    They’ll never go near them again, just like with the cat bed, and the scratching post, and the hand-thrown water bowl, and…

  26. Ha ha ha! Which cat left traces of their fur on your sweaters? Then you have the culprit. On second thought, since its winter over there they may not be in molting mode. Better set up the hidden camera.

  27. Oh my gosh Anna, I’ve never known a cat to do such a thing! How interesting. Well, at least you know you’re loved.

  28. Haha – too funny! When cats get on the counter, they suggest putting a mouse trap under newspaper. When they jump up, it triggers the mouse trap (but doesn’t hurt them). Wonder if you could do something similar with the sweaters on the shelf?

  29. OMG this is tooooo funny (now I need to tinkle, lol). I love the captions or should I say cat-tions – oh sometimes I crack myself up. Looks like you’ve got some clever cats there – opening doors- WOW – there’s no stopping them now :).

    Hugs – Karen

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