
The Harlot

Ha. Did that post title get your attention?

Not just any Harlot. The Yarn Harlot, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. She was in town this weekend and the quilty knitty peeps and I went to hear her speak.

Thimbleanna: Yarn Harlot

Her visit was arranged by our fabulous local sock yarn shop, Simply Socks Yarn Shop and it was only announced two weeks ago. There was a nice sized little crowd (considering the short notice and the holiday weekend), with lots of visitors from out-of-town. Here’s a picture of roughly half the crowd,

Thimbleanna: Yarn Harlot

and here’s a picture of the other half. We were all invited to bring our knitting along. There was even one cute little girl sitting in between her mother and grandmother knitting away.

Thimbleanna: Yarn Harlot

Stephanie was very funny and we laughed all the way through her talk. I think the biggest laugh came when she told us how she gets stage fright when she speaks to a group and that her biggest fear is fainting. She said she knew that we would take care of her and call EMS, but she did worry that while she was passed out everyone would put their socks on her and take a picture. And there was lots more funny stuff! She got serious for a bit when she talked about knitting and how we often denigrate our skills.  There was so much truth in what she said.  How often, upon receiving a knitting compliment, do you say “Oh thanks, it was nothing” or “Oh thanks, but look at this, where I screwed it up”, etc.  There was encouragement to acknowledge our skills, graciously accept the compliment and just say “Thank You”.

After the serious bit, there were lots more laughs.  Here’s another shot of Stephanie, this time with the knitting crowd.

Thimbleanna: Yarn Harlot

Here’s what I was working on. A hot-tub for Barbie. Just kidding — it’s a pair of wrist-warmers and I’ll show them to you when they’re finished.

Thimbleanna: Yarn Harlot

Anyway, it was a fun evening and, as always, it was great to have time with the peeps (one of whom, naughty little peep, escaped the whole evening without even a mention of her upcoming Tuesday Birthday!)

Okey Doke.  Must get going — I’m sure I don’t have to tell you — It’s December.  Eeeep!  Lots to do.  Good Luck!


25 thoughts on “The Harlot”

  1. I’m envious. What a fun night.
    I think I recognize those cuffs. Church Mouse? maybe.
    Let the gift knitting begin (or in my case, continue). I think I am getting sever nerve damage or carpal tunnel. I hope my wrists hold out.

  2. Lucky you to get to attend. My daughter is a prolific knitter and would have loved it. I noticed your thimbles in your header are still in Halloween mode.

  3. Ahh, I suspected it would be The Stephanie when I glimpsed your post title :-)

    Are those Churchmouse Yarns and Teas fingerless mittens you are working on, by any chance? I love the wrist welts. Ha, that sounds funny!

  4. I get her. Don’t we do that all the time with, sewing..any skill. We shy compliments away. What a great time. I love stuff like this.

  5. What a fun time that must have been! I love the idea of it. Listening to someone who is so entertaining and sharing while knitting. I can’t wait to see the finished wrist warmers, I love them already! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Had a great time! Frogged the sock I started. Laughed too much and knitted something that no way resembled the pattern! Nice distraction and wonderful way to get a little best friends time in the midst of the Holiday hustle and bustle! Ha-ha. It’s just another trip around the sun! It does seem the trip gets faster each year though! Hugs!

  7. Now that’s funny – that she would think of people putting their socks on her and taking pictures if she fainted. Isn’t it strange the things that pop into our minds. Or maybe it’s just me…..

  8. Had a blast with you little ladies and listening to Stephanie was such a treat. Fun night had by all :)

  9. That looks like a really great get together!
    I’ve bought some lovely Danish wool/cotton yarn and a crochet hook and I hope to try a pattern. I regret I bought a dark colour, because I need really good lighting to see where I’m going!

  10. That looks like fun, and I don’t even knit! Why are those creepy skeletons still playing with your thimbles — in December?

  11. I’m so happy you went to see/hear her. Fun change of pace on the Thanksgiving weekend. Have a great holiday season. We finally got some snow!

  12. Its december…yep I am hyperventilating! I have ben trying to be better about simply saying “Thank You’ on compliments. I do love to quilt, I work at it and I know I am good craftsperson. Hugs!!

  13. Looks like an interesting evening. I’m intrigued at the thought of someone talking about knitting. I’d have thought it was more a demonstrating thing. But clearly I’m wrong. Kirsten would have enjoyed it; she’s a compulsive knitter.

  14. LOL Hot tub for Barbie!! Love it :D

    Looks like a lot of fun, I love things like that, coming together with people with same interest, it’s so inspiring and great for the spirit, glad you had so much fun Anna :)

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