
SweetiePie Made Me Do It

When last I left you, I was going to spend my day yesterday doing yard work. But then it rained all day so I ended up running errands with SweetiePie. While we were out, she reminded me that the big annual Very Bradley sale was this weekend, and “Hey Look! We’re right across the street, we should go check it out!”

Do you all know about Vera Bradley? They’re a quilted handbag company that was started here in Ft. Wayne, Indiana by two women. They’ve since added home accessories and personal items like umbrellas, luggage, etc. and every year they have a huge sale of seconds and close outs. It’s a pretty big deal and women come from far and wide (some even on bus trips — I imagine like going to a quilt show) to shop the deals. (And something new I just learned, supposedly there are big Vera Bradley sales in other cities like Charlotte, Atlanta, Northern California…who knew???)

Anyway, I would have completely forgotten about the sale (among other things, I kind of enjoy making my own quilted bags.) I went to the sale once or twice, years ago, and it was a miserable experience. Big crowds with all their associated problems and bags that I didn’t really find appealing. So, I’ve never been back since. But things are different now — I have a blog and thought maybe I should take a few pictures for posterity — and you LOL!

Vera Bradley Sale

When you enter the sale, these pink ribbons line the barriers between people going in to the sale and people leaving the sale. Vera Bradley has been a HUGE supporter of breast cancer research.

Vera Bradley Sale

I didn’t really get a good picture of all the rows of tables — I needed a chair to stand on for a pseudo-aerial view, but I only saw three chairs and they were occupied by tired women. But here you can see the crowd — it was definitely more crowded that I expected. Friday was the third day of the sale so I didn’t think there would be many people there.

Vera Bradley Sale

I guess part of the reason people still come after the first day is because they apparently drop the prices each day. I don’t remember them doing that years ago — maybe they did and I just didn’t know it.

Vera Bradley Sale

SweetiePie and I were standing off to the side watching people and these two guys came walking up with a bin full of stuff. They were pretty funny — they had big smiles on their faces and they were trying to strategically place this bin as if it was a big joke — then they stepped back and watched the feeding frenzy.

Vera Bradley Sale

This is an area where you are allowed to sit down and figure out what you want to buy. (They keep making announcements that you aren’t allowed to sit on the floor because it’s a safety hazard.) When you enter the sale, they hand you big pink plastic bags to collect items in. At some point you have to stop and take inventory of all the stuff you grabbed off of those tables.

Vera Bradley Sale

This was a sign on the way to the cashier. People used to come and buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of stuff and then re-sell it on ebay. Not anymore though — now they have a limit. SweetiePie and I were laughing at the thought of spending $2500 on quilted bags — in spite of how much we love fabric and bags.

Vera Bradley Sale

This is the checkout area and it’s a terrible picture. I couldn’t get good perspective to show you how big the area is — it’s in a separate big room from the merchandise. I’m guessing there were 30 – 50 checkout lines. But, hey — I’m a terrible guesser, so take that for what it’s worth!

Vera Bradley Sale

This is just some random woman and her purchases. That’s a lot of bags for all the sisters, daughters, friends, quilty peeps, bloggy peeps, etc. I’d say this is pretty typical though. We saw lots of women leaving with 4 or 5 big shopping bags full of goodies.

So, there you have it. Ft. Wayne’s claim to fame. (Aside from being where tv was invented. And where Johnny Appleseed is buried. And probably a few other things I can’t remember.) Vera Bradley. They’ve just built a big new Vera Bradley factory south of town. I wanted to drive out there and take a picture for you (they have pretty lamp poles) but, gas prices being what they are, I decided that was a bit wasteful. You’ll just have to make do with pictures of this year’s sale.


33 thoughts on “SweetiePie Made Me Do It”

  1. Ok, next year I’ll be in Ft. Wayne for the big sale. I must!!!! I’d go nuts. Love Vera Bradley. I go to the store by Boo’s house when I visit him.
    I can’t believe they wouldn’t give you a chair to take a photo. We all know you need a chair!!!

  2. That is an interesting story. It is funny how those ladies practically dove into that bin of bags. I think at sales like that people can lose their head and spend more than what they should. That ‘just in case I might want it’ or ‘I don’t want to kick myself for not getting it’ type thinking….oh wait it sounds like I’ve been there…I HAVE but that’s usually in line at a quilt store sale…and you think “I better buy the bolt’ when ALL you need is a FQ! LOL

  3. Your sale is very similar to the fashion designer factory sales we have here. The first day is actually the worst. You can almost see the shoppers salivating over every new bin coming out of the back room. LOL! Fortunately, I haven’t managed to spurge at any of these sales lately. Too busy buying fabric online. He he he!

  4. Wow, Anna. Thanks for sharing. Never heard of Vera Bradley before this (but that’s no surprise–I’m a little behind on most things these days).

    I’d say you and SweetiePie are very brave to venture into the fray with all those ladies and pretty quilted bags on sale. It looks like fun!


  5. As much as I like Vera Bradley, I’m not sure I would brave the crowds! I just got some new Vera…the pattern I like was discontinued so I picked up a few items online at 40% off. Not a bad deal and NO LINES!!! :o) Now my daughter would have been there in a heartbeat and spent every penny in her bank account…

  6. I’m with you, sister. I really don’t like to shop like that. Since my celebrity status isn’t as high as say, Madonna’s, I can’t really have a store closed for my shopping pleasure but I definitely try to shop when I think few people will be around. Online shopping was invented for misanthropes like me.

  7. That’s just scary. I just don’t get the Vera Bradley thing at all, but people are WILD for it, and man you have the photos to prove it.

  8. I agree with Pam – your photos are frightening! My dotter-in-law would love to go to that sale – she loves anything Vera B. Thanks for sharing, Anna!

  9. Holy Moley! I can’t believe that. Who has $2500 to spend on quilted bags anyway? I would take a Thimbleanna bag ANYDAY over a Vera Bradley! We have them here and in the ‘snobbier’ parts of town you see them everywhere. I buy cheapos from the grocery store when they sell them once a year. No telling what brand they are, but as rough as I am on bags, I’m not going to spend the moola that Vera Bradley wants! I’d rather spend my money on yarn and fabric!

  10. Like you I love bags and I love fabric so combine the two and it is great – but I really can’t imagine getting excited about a big sale like that – maybe it’s because I haven’t seen a “Vera Bradley bag”!!!

    Sorry I’m so far behind on commenting lately – love your oakmeal cookie recipe and the tale of you knitting and chatting on your way home made me laugh – but why didn’t she have a blog? Did you manage to persuade her to get one???

    Take care, Lucy x

  11. Hmmm, maybe I’ll have to take a road trip next year… I didn’t realize the deals were so good! Too bad none of my friends here are shoppers. Maybe I will fly my SIL and sister into town. hehehe

  12. My Vera Bradley favorites are my curling iron cover (great for business travel) and my cat collar (she looks adorable in it). But of course, I paid full price. Bummer.

  13. OH, the fabulous Vera Bradley sale! I would gladly brave the crowds to snap up some VB at prices like that.
    My sil that lives in Ft. Wayne never goes, I don’t think you could pay her to go, but then she doesn’t like to shop at all. Wouldn’t a good sil go snag me some VB goodies? You would think! ; )

  14. ps. It’s fun reading everyone’s comments on this – there’s me who would LOVE to go, other people who wouldn’t want to brave the crowds, and then others who either haven’t heard of or just don’t care about VB. It takes all kinds!!

  15. Huh. Well that’s interesting. I never knew any of that. I don’t really like Vera Bradley stuff so I’d never have thought it was such a big deal. Around here it mostly sits around in the Hallmark shops until they discount it. Live and learn. :-)

  16. Yes, what did you buy? I almost drove over to Ft Wayne to attend the sale with a friend who lives there–maybe next year. The neat thing about Vera Bradley products is that they are almost all still made in the USA. Hopefully she will keep it that way.

  17. Yes, what were your purchases??? :) I always think that I should come down to mom and dad’s and go to the sale….and then I forget about it. Looks like fun though. :)

  18. It looks like a good place to grab a bargain if you can keep the consumer virus and the desire to actually spend more because it’s a bargain under control.

  19. I love the quality of the Vera bags, but I’ve never paid full price for them. My luggage is VB label, too (also purchased at discount). So, when do we get to know you well enough to come visit – and can I stay from Market to the annual VB sale? Just kidding – but both events looked like fun.

  20. What an amazing sale! I would go nuts there but admit it wouldn’t be to the tune of $2,500 as that’s way out of my comfort zone. But my shopping bag would certainly be full.

    How great about Johnny Appleseed, I didn’t remember that detail. I love that story and remember singing the song about him in elementary school.

  21. That sign is so funny! I can’t imagine a company limiting how much you can buy! I guess I’m the only quilter in the world who has never heard of Vera Bradley…maybe because up until recently I really didn’t care for fabric bags…weird huh?

  22. Kind of unbelievable. I am so anti line and crowd I can’t imagine being a part of a frenzy like that! But it goes to show you people will buy anything if they think its a “deal”. There is a line of jewelry made in Alpine here and they sell to Nordstrom and a few other mid-higher end stores. When they have their sale its just exactly like this. People not nuts. And they sit and look into their baskets and hoard even if its not something they want they just grab and hoard, cuz you never know I guess. Enough of that! I haven’t been back since the first sale.

  23. I was surprised to learn that Vera Bradley started in Ft Wayne! I’d go! They have some nice bags that normally cost way more than I’d ever pay—especially as us quilty types like to make our own! When we lived in Minnesota we used to go to a big sale like that —only for Eddie Bauer—those were the days!

  24. Well now who would have thought there would be such a sale. I have a thing for bags I will admit it, but I’ve never gotten excited about these bags – so I might be missing something, but I’m OK with that, LOL. Would have been fun to see tho. Sounds like a nice day with sweetiepie. How goes the nerves with days counting down.

    Hugs – Karen

  25. I am so envious!!! I live on the east coast of VA and Vera Bradley is BIG here too. My daughter and I have several (well many) and LOVE THEM!!! For Mother’s Day I gave my three daughters (one natural two step) each one for Mother’s Day. They were all three thrilled.

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