
Super What?

Holy Schamoley!  It’s been crazy around here.  You probably heard that we had some really bad storms, here in the midwest, last Friday.  Here’s the radar pic that we pulled up on a cell phone — we were at work with a perfect view of the incoming storm when they took all our fun away and made us move away from the windows.  Something silly about tornado warnings.  Look at that hook — that’s not good!


They’re calling it a Super Derecho.  I’ve never heard of a Derecho before, but it’s basically an inland hurricane.  We were lucky and aside from a few snapped trees ;-(, didn’t have any problems.  BigDaddy, MeMum and MyDadLovesMeBestSister didn’t fare so well though — they’ve been without power since the storm, so they’ve been staying with us.  It’s been a good time to have house guests, as the family room is spread throughout the rest of the house while we drag out the painting as long as possible.  Here’s the “aerial” view of the family room — we left the couch parts and a chair to bunch up in the middle.  The couches are currently serving as beds to whatever kids happen to be here — that’s TheFirstChild and SweetiePie as we speak.


It’s working out well for me though — I go to work in the morning and come home at night to a gourmet dinner.  The school where MyDadLovesMeBestSister works has been out of power too, so she hasn’t been working.  She’s an awesome cook and she’s made me realize that I need a wife.  I could get used to this!

We’ve had a little crafty fun too.  TheCuteNieces love to raid the dungeon and they decided to make message boards the other night.  My heart lurched a little when CuteNiece2 chose some of my Ghastlie fabric for her board, but I gladly sacrificed the last of the tree print.

Memo Board

Here’s a finished shot, taken with her cell phone, that she sent me while I was at work.  I think she did a great job.  CuteNiece1 chose old jeans (which I had no problem sacrificing thankyouverymuch), but her board isn’t done yet.

Memo Board

Anyway, that’s been the excitement this week in ThimbleannaLand.  No time for much else, so I’m recycling an old picture to wish all of my American friends a Very Happy 4th of July.  (And a Very Happy Birthday tomy not-invisible-blog-friend Isabelle today too!)  If you live in an area that doesn’t have a fireworks ban, light one for us!



38 thoughts on “Super What?”

  1. I saw those storms on TV weather and immediately thought of you when I heard them mention Ft Wayne. We had a mild one or two the other evening but nothing dangerous like what you had. And the heat is still with us for at least a few more days. Arrghhh, summertime heat can be irritating at times!
    Love the designed cork boards, they did a great job.
    Take care! ps, I love the flag and baseball pic!

  2. Lord love a duck, we FINALLY got our power back on last night!! our house was 92 degrees!! im so so so happy to hear the hum of the air conditioning! i hadn’t seen that radar pic, what a menacing storm! yummmmmm, good home cooked meals, now i could get used to that! xo

  3. Wow, that’s a scary looking storm.
    I had to laugh at your “I need a wife” comment, I’ve been saying that for years. I would love a good old fashioned wife who loves to cook and clean.
    So glad you are safe and have power. Happy 4th!

  4. YIKES that’s one scary looking cell – glad you did ok with it and sorry for the family members that didn’t. I love the comment “I need a wife” lol – what a treat to come home to a yummy dinner – whats for dinner tonight lol – we might be alone so we could hop into the car where it’s cool and head on down for it – shoot what’s a few more at this point lol. Love those message boards – and way to give up the ghastlie fabric – your a trouper :).

    Happy $th Sister – Mrs. Farmhouse

  5. Wow it sounds like you’ve got quite a houseful! How lovely to have your supper cooked each evening by a talented cook! Yummy! Lucy xx

  6. That radar picture is something else…and super derecho–that’s a new one to me!!!! Glad you got through all that, but sorry about your family and their power situation…ugh!!!!! Coming home to somebody cooking for you sounds like a DREAM to me….and Thmbleanna Craftland looks like so much fun!!! Love those message boards. (hugs)

  7. I’m glad you all made it through the storm unharmed. It must be hard to go to work and leave the little crafters at home doing fun stuff.

  8. Talking to 2nd Treasure in DC, she had never heard of them either but said it was awesome to look at. Glad the worst was lost power, sounds like a fun time was had by all. Love the boards.

  9. At least we just have rain, rain and more rain! Happy 4th of July – although why you would want to be independent from such gorgeous British people as me, I don’t know!!

  10. So glad you are all safe. What strange summer weather the U.S. is having. Another fire last night, this one in Alpine, just down the road.

    There is method in our painting plan,(just sayin”)

  11. Happy 4th. It’s good to be with family even if it’s forced :). Sounds like fun. You are generous — last of the tree fabric.

  12. Scary storms! I feel for everyone stuck in it and no power to clean up and cool off! Our weather has been so mild. We are lucky.

    Love the message board! Do you want me to tell you where you can get Ghastlies at 30% off? ;p

  13. I hope the weather calms down for you Anna. this heat and craziness of rain and wind needs to go. Enjoy your family bonding time. Happy 4th to you! :)

  14. Happy 4th of July from wet miserable Ireland . You are welcome to some of our rain!!

    Mary xx

  15. Oh dear – now you’ve been afflicted by the hideous weather too! But it sounds like you are enjoying having the family around!! Hope they get to go home soon!

    On Scottish news – the sun actually came out for a little while today….before the mist rolled in again.

  16. I’ve never heard of a Super Derecho either….Super Doritos, yes! Lucky you to have house guests that can COOK! I’m glad you’re all safe and sound. It sounded like a dilly of a storm.

    We’re hoping for a little thunderstorm out here this weekend, but we’ll be watching for lightning. We don’t want more fires.

  17. We saw the crazy wether on out tellys here, glad it’s not so bad for you, Lots happening over at your place, love those message boards.

  18. Oh my goodness, glad you all are all safe. We are having a really dry spell here with scorching temps, I could get used to someone cooking for me every night. Happy 4th!

  19. I gasp for you with your precious Ghastly fabric but I’m glad to hear you were a good sport about it. We also have no fireworks, thanks to the horrible fires :(

  20. The message boards look great. So nice of you to share you fabric!

    P.S. I did find the Easter garland and it has given me some good ideas. Thanks.

  21. Oh my gosh. It sounds like we are both having our little disasters where we live. Fire here and hurricaine there, or whatever it is. Fun to have your family around you.

  22. That radar picture is something else. Keep safe and while you are all together…have fun! I can remember my family descending on me during the ice storm of 1998 and they are some of my favourite memories…something about pulling together at a time of need :o)

    Loved your comment about needing a wife ha ha ha. My DD1 has just finished exams and she’s been my “wife” it has been brilliant!!

  23. wow – that is a crazy weather map shot. It looks like a killer sea horse is coming.
    Love the baseballs and flags, very cute.
    very nice french board craft!!

  24. So glad to hear that you didn’t have damage. Looks like you are getting to enjoy some good family time and some yummy meals! The message board looks great made from the tree fabric.

  25. Anna- Hope things are better in your neck of the woods! Also, you are awesome to sacrifice your Ghastlie fabric for such a worthy cause! I”m glad you still had power to provide a safe and fun place for your family to gather. The gourmet dinners were surely a blessing. Tell your sister I have a guest room ready and waiting for the next power outage. hahahaha!

  26. Oh boy. Did we ever light one for you. I believe we went through two bricks of sparklers and a pallet of smoke bombs. The only casuality was my thumb. Nasty sparkler burn. You would think I would know better by now.

    Glad you and yours are safe.

    Happy day,

  27. We didn’t get those storms up here. Still no rain for over 2 months. We never mow! My grass is all dead. Looks like end of August. All burnt. I love that your nieces raid your stash. You are very good to sacrifice your Ghastlies! :-) Tough to do. You must really love her!

  28. Since you just commented on my blog, you must still be alive. Phew! Scary weather!! I had to tell you, my mom called me the other day and told me about the cutest fabric message boards she saw on a blog called Thimbleanna. I was all, “That’s my sister wife, Mom!” :) You are a very kind aunt for letting go of your Ghastlie trees! I could just see me running and hurdling furniture to swipe that out of their precious little hands. xo

  29. Hey, you close your comment form? What about us people that are perpetually behind on blog land?! Geeezzzzz! What crazy weather it’s been! Glad all is well! Keep cool! ;o)

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