
Spotted Socks

Hi There!  Did you have a good weekend?  Mine went way too fast.  It was a good one though.  Lots of sewing time, although, I had to call a halt to my little project.  I’ve been having fun with my maker fabric, but I decided I didn’t like the zippers I bought, so I’ll have to wait for some to arrive in the mail.

I did finish some socks this past week though.  Spotty Socks.  Or Dottie Socks.

Thimbleanna: Dottie Socks

I saw some socks similar to these in a Mollie Makes issue a few years ago.  They were for slouchy socks though and I’m not really a slouchy sock wearer, so I just used my old tried and true sock knitting method.  I did add the spots and the little band of colored trim at the top of the socks — just like the originals.

Thimbleanna: Dottie Socks

When I first saw the Mollie Makes socks, I thought the dots were knit into the actual sock, but I was surprised to find out that they are little knots.  I debated using a french knot, but in the end, I opted for a colonial knot.  My french knots often fall out.

Thimbleanna: Dottie Socks

These dots might not last long either.  They certainly aren’t practical.  Want to place bets on how long they’ll last?  At least if they start to fall apart, they’re pretty easy to remove.  I found that out the hard way — when I was half-way done with the second sock, I realized their spacing was too different from the first sock, so I took them out and tried again.

Thimbleanna: Dottie Socks

Anyway, hopefully they’ll be fun to wear — at least for a little while!

I hope you have a good week — March is whizzing by, isn’t it???

27 thoughts on “Spotted Socks”

  1. I LOVE the socks!! I was wondering about the dots – that’s a great way to do it. They’re great!! I finished the top for my Adventure Girls quilt finally this weekend. Can you believe it!? Anyway – I hope you aren’t getting the blizzard that we are! Beautiful but STOP!

  2. oh i wanna cry. i’m not done with mine yet. i’ll hurry up and finish them for my dolly for christmas. and i have to learn the colonial knot!!!!!! way to go anna. you rock. i have nothing snarky to say…. i must be tired.
    :waves madly

  3. i love them! if the knots come undone….send the ‘broken’ socks to me. i’ll wear them broken. ;p

  4. What wonderful socks! Fun and fresh! I hope they don’t suffer the same fate as your sheepie socks – one sacrificed to the WC goddess.

  5. Adorable spotty socks! (But don’t those dots hurt your feet when you’ve got shoes on?) You are so productive! Is it snowy in your corner of Indiana?

  6. Cute socks. And judging from the snow you got again yesterday, you’ll need them for a while yet before Spring arrives.

  7. Oh so cute!! I love the dottie socks. I’m wondering if there’s a whole mess of red spider webs inside as you went from dot to do? No? Did you do just one dot at a time? I wonder.

  8. These are wonderful! I did wonder if they were the Mollie Makes ones, though I much prefer your blue. Hope they surprise you and stand the test of time! :) x

  9. These are so pretty…love the colours and the sweet dots!! You just couldn’t wear shoes with them though, they are much too nice to cover up!
    Helen xox

  10. They are indeed lovely. (All my socks are black. I wonder if this is slightly unimaginative? However, if I ever knitted socks AND SEWED SPOTS INTO THEM I would have to frame them for the wall, not wear them. )

  11. HELLO! I have a slightly shameful confession: I don’t know the difference between a colonial and a French knot. I fear this is a Bad Thing, just like my Fear of Sewing Machines. I need to skip off to Google to find out.

    My lack of knowledge notwithstanding your socks are JOYOUS and I don’t know why I haven’t been over here for so long. I must be a loon. I’m waving across the pond to a longstanding blogfriend xxx

  12. Those are really nice chicken pox socks! I like them. Do you have a favourite sock knitting book? Inquiring minds want to know!

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