

Hi there Kidlets!  I hope you’re having a good week — we’re past the middle mark (Yay! – not that I’m wishing my life away, but we do love the weekend around here.)  My week hit a high point when I collected the mail and found this treasure cuddled up in an envelope.

Tea Cozy

Isn’t it cute?  It’s a Sheep Tea Cozy, all the way from Anne in Scotland. (Anne always posts pictures of sheep in Scotland and I love it.)   It’s all soft and squishy and, um, cozy.  Just like it’s supposed to be.  And look at Anne’s adorable little tag that she tucked into the seam.

Tea Cozy

I LOVE it Anne!  Thanks so much for such a fun surprise — you’re the bright spot in my week!  This little tea cozy reminded me that I never posted the pictures of sheep that I took for you when I was at market in Utah this spring.  You know, just so you could see what American sheep look like LOL.


My cousin took these first few pictures.  She had to hop a fence to get close enough to them — I couldn’t get my fat ol’ butt over the fence (and it wasn’t that little one in the background either, thankyouverymuch).


I love it when they have little black faces.  So cute.


Hey Anne — do birds sit on sheepie backs in Scotland?  My cousin really liked this shot —  me too!


I spotted these little lambs when I was driving down the road.  (Bonnie — do you recognize that rock pile?)


They didn’t stay on the rock pile very long after I arrived.


Might have had something to do with wanting their dinner!
There are sheep everywhere out in Utah, but I don’t usually see sheep here in corn country.  I actually saw some the other day though,  when I was driving out in the country.  It was a very pleasant surprise — I think they’re adorable!


18 thoughts on “Sheepies!”

  1. cute post & what a wonderful surprise from your fellow blogger & friend anne…sweet!
    have a great day!

  2. What a pretty tea cozey and very sweet of Anne. My girl friend has sheep and I am at her farm every week. It is fun to see them playing in the orchard. Clarice

  3. Hi Anna, glad the sheepie made it safely across the Atlantic to her new home. Thanks for all the sheepie photos – I haven’t been out for a walk recently to take photos of our sheepies for you – must do so soon. Anne x

  4. since i live out in the sticks… i see sheep now and again. lots of times they are for hire.. to eat down brush, but that is usually goats. we still get to see them ocasionally though, along with an ocassional something else.. a llama, alpaca, buffalo and who knows what else. so there is an elusive buffalo that lives out here on a country road. i saw it one day, driving to pick my son up for work. it was on a road, that runs parallel with 2 others, in a 10 mile stretch. but the more i drove those 3 parallel roads, the more confused i got – where exactly it had been? It was in an enclosed area, next to a few other enclosed areas, all containing differenty types of animals, a buffalo, a horse, maybe a cow… well… for 2 years… i looked for that stinking buffalo and could never find it again. we’ve since reuinited but i got a call from a friend last year that said, “I’m out on Bailey Road, I Call your Buffalo, and Raise you a Camel!”. She has to provide photographic proof so we’ve decided that it’s unfortunate that she has take up to being such a LIAR. :D my buffalo remains the champion, as he should. her camel? well… i heard he was here for a cigarette commercial and since no one out here smokes anymore?

  5. Hi Anna, It has been so long since i’ve done anything on my blog. All kinds of things came up. My son in CA is married and had a baby girl sydney and we didn’t know anything about it. Her pregnancy and baby till she was 2 months old. Then we found out by mistake and he was mad. He thinks we were bad parents and is punishing us by not seeing any pics of the baby. I’ve just accepted it and I send Sydney boxes of clother and stuff I make all the time. My daughter in law always sends me the swettest thank you e=mails. It’s been pretty heartbreaking for me. I am happy to see you wonderful blog again. Tracey

  6. To: Anna
    Re: Brigette

    Too many pain meds, perhaps? I can’t wait to find out if she is the new spider woman.

    Love that little black sheep. Nursery rhymes about sheep are running through my head just now.


  7. Anna! Love this “sheep” blog! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your “heading” with the little thimbles filled with whipped cream and sprinkles! So adorable! Your sheep pics are beautiful. I took a million pics trying to get the perfect shot when we were on a recent trip to England. None are as cute as yours! Love the knitting that you do! I’m jealous!

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