
Moving Right Along

Well, how did the weekend go? Did you all get tons of stuff done? My holiday mojo finally kicked in and I got all my decorating done (well, sort of, I scaled back a bit this year) and half of my shopping done. I even had time to help MeMum and BigDaddy with their big Christmas tree. It was lots of fun, although they probably didn’t think I was having fun — I’m pretty slow stringing those lights and it’s not real fun up on the ladder. But, we finished the tree and it’s very pretty!

In between the decorating, I squeezed out a little smock apron for my MIL.

Blue Apron

It’s very similar to the one I made for my Aunt last summer. These smock aprons are so comfy and they cover lots of area for sloppy cooks like me — I need to make some for myself!

Blue Apron

Also, on Saturday, after a looooong day of shopping, I was super happy to find a Straight, No Chaser special on PBS. If you don’t know about them, they’re a men’s acapella group that met at Indiana University about 10 years ago. They became “famous” on the internet a year or two ago where an exec at Atlantic Records found them and they’ve now made an album (or two.)

You can go here to play a video clip of them singing The Twelve Days of Christmas the song that made them famous. (I sure wish the embed command at YouTube would work with wordpress!) The video clip isn’t the greatest quality and certainly doesn’t do them justice, but it gives you an idea of what they’re all about, if you’ve never heard of them.

Anyway, it was a 90-minute special, well worth the watching. If you’re a Straight, No Chaser fan, I’m sure PBS will repeat it again before the holidays are over (it repeats on Christmas Eve in our area).

Ok…off to bed! Hope you have a great week — fun times are just around the corner!


32 thoughts on “Moving Right Along”

  1. It does sound like a fun weekend! We bought our tree though it isn’t up yet. I have a space clear for it now though so it’ll be going up just as soon as I’ve got rid of all the clutter in our living room!

  2. I love Straight No Chaser. And, no, our version last Friday was nowhere near as clever as this! :oD

    youtube usually has an “embed” code on the page but I didn’t see it on the page you gave. If you go to this version of the same song – – you can see it over on the right side. You would then copy and paste that into your blog and it should put up the video – are they videos? – with the play button on top of it. HTH

  3. Will go watch the a capella group to try and shift the sound of the Muppets singing ‘Moving right along … footloose and fancy free …’

    Oh crumbs, I hope it works!

  4. I too managed to get my tree up (but it’s just a teeny 3 feet so it wasn’t hard). Chose my favourite decorations…too many to put on such a small tree) and decorated the mantelpiece.

    Now I am off wrapping parcels and heading to the post office…didn’t manage my morning run as I had planned because too much to do – since i also agreed to take the bus to St Andrews to give my friend a lift home from her Christmas lunch – she has the car there and her little boy in nursery to collect so couldn’t take the bus herself! Good deed for the day to be done!

  5. Okay, I have never seen SNC! They were great! I am going to see if our PBS is running it and will have to record it. Thanks for the tip, Anna.

  6. Smashing apron! I could use one of those too! My cooking tends to get messy!

    My dear hubs put up the Christmas decorations for us this year. I was completely floored that he would do such a thing all by himself!!

    oh and I LOVE that group! I remember when I saw them for the first time and I was blown away!

    Holiday HUGS!

  7. That must be a mighty tall tree. A ladder? Yikes. I only need to stand on a chair to string lights on mine. But I had to do it three times! The girls each get a new ornament from great-gran every year. Those ornaments start to add up when you get them five at a time. We put up THREE trees this year. Two fake and one real. Love the real. Smells divine.

    That apron is divine too, Anna. Love the color combo. What kind of pattern are you using on your apron? I’m all about the smock apron ’cause I’m a wee bit too messy for anything else.


  8. I have a old fashioned smock from years ago that is faded and I keep meaning to take it apart and use it as a pattern to make a new one. I love smock aprons. Yours is so incredibly cute. Your mum will love it.

  9. I love your smock apron and fabric, sew pretty! And…. I don’t believe you were that slow stringing the lights, it sounds like you got a ton accomplished over the weekend. Fun times are just around the corner, the anticipation, baking and the decorations are always the best parts for me. I wish we had a few more weeks to enjoy it all…

  10. Cute smock apron! I would love to know the pattern. I am almost 100% done with my shopping and what I did buy is all wrapped…This I have to say is the first ever not having to wrap anything on Christmas Eve. We had an awesome weekend…Spent it will family, family, family.

  11. Wow, what a great group! I followed the link and listened to their video, what fun! Thanks so much for sharing that story. I’d love to buy their CD! I had no idea you were blogging on WordPress, I don’t know how you manage to get it to do all these wonderful things! (Well, I do actually, I read your about me page, you are a software engineer, double wow!). The apron is to beautiful to cook in, I bet she will feel very loved when she wears it! I love to make and give aprons to special people. Its wonderful. Btw, saw some MS glitter at Michael’s today, you were not kidding, that is some amazing stuff. I only wish I could make my cookies look as pretty as hers! Have a great rest of your week.

    Kathy in California

  12. What a sweet daughter you are, to take on the dreaded tree lights! Must be a big tree if you needed a ladder — i’ll bet it is just beautiful!!
    Super cute apron – glad to hear I’m not the only messy cook. I put all my aprons to good use.

    ps. Isn’t Straight No Chaser great? I couldn’t resist getting a few of their Christmas songs from iTunes.

  13. OK, now we need to see pictures of all your decor and your parent’s tree. I’m glad you were able to accomplish so much.

    I’m sewing on a quilt binding…I don’t seem to be getting to any projects lately. I’m glad you are. I have an apron half way cut out…it’s been sitting on the cutting board for about 3 weeks. I was going to make them for my girls for Christmas. At this point, I don’t think it is going to happen. Oh well…there is always next year. :)

  14. Hi Anna – we’ve been watching SNC and laughing along! Must go now though as Fred is riding around on Daisy’s back with a Santa hat on yelling “ho, ho, ho!” – Daisy is wearing reindeer antlers with added baubles and bells! All planned by Daisy to cheer Fred up who is upset because I’ve said he can’t eat his chocolates from his teacher until he’s had his supper! What cruel mum I am and what a sweetie Daisy is being!!

    Lucy x

  15. Love the smock apron! It’s so pretty Anna.

    Never heard of the singing group, but that’s no surprise–I don’t get out much. Thanks for mentioning them. I will check it out–PBS is pretty much the only channel we watch.

    I’m looking for my holiday mojo…have you seen it?

  16. Michele in Huntsville

    I, too, am wondering about the pattern…. :) And, WOW! I love SNC, too! Have to look them up – wonderful! ME

  17. you’ll have to whip me up one of those aprons too while you are at it lol, I think I got in more of a mess than Milo the other day!! We actually had a few flakes of snow this morning , I got so excited but alas no more :-(

  18. I love the fabric you’ve used for your apron. You do such beautiful work. I’m getting my Christmas decorating mojo going too…although out outside lights aren’t up yet. That’s my husband’s job, ha, ha.

  19. I scaled back a lot this year, too. My gifs (other than the fancy ones I made for my siblings) are simple as well as my decorating and baking. I’m trying to keep the holidays a relaxing and enjoyable time instead of wearing myself out as I normally do.

    The apron is beautiful and she’s going to love it.

  20. Sweet smock apron! I’m a fan of Straight No Chaser too and ordered one of their CDs for my Christmas music collection — a new one each year.


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