
Merry Christmas 2023!

Poor, sad little blog. It’s been almost a year since I have posted — the shock and horror! It was a busy year — mostly good, but some not, and I’m hoping to catch up in the next few weeks — mostly just to document the things and projects that I want to remember.

But more on that later. For now, I just wanted to pop in for my traditional Christmas Eve post. Here are this year’s cookies. I do like looking back to see what cookies I baked each year — even if they mostly are the same cookies every year.

Thimbleanna: Cookies

The usuals are here – sugar cookies using the Jenny cookies recipe from her book, Grandma Hill’s Browned Butter Cookies, shortbread, peanut brittle (hopefully, I’ll put that recipe in my recipe section before too long so I can find it next year ;-D), and salted caramels. Sadly, I didn’t make my absolute Christmas number one cookie, Angel Slices, because we are a small group this year and I’m the only one who would eat them. And, I definitely don’t need a whole pan of Angel Slices to myself. I tried a new recipe from Sally’s Bake Blog this year, her Iced Gingerbread Oatmeal Cookies, and they are really good — it’s a recipe I’m sure I’ll make again.

The girls came over yesterday to help make sugar cookies. We had lots of fun and they did a great job. I gave them a little pep talk before we began, explaining that they were all old enough now to take a little time and not just throw sprinkles around. I’m happy to say they all took the job seriously and made some fun cookies. I love watching them being so creative, even if it does make a big mess LOL.

Thimbleanna: 2022

I hope your holiday traditions are all right on track – I’m amazed it’s Christmas Eve already — time, as always is flying. Merry, Merry Christmas — see you soon with gingerbread house news!


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