
Medieval Buttons

Plop. Plop. Fizz. Fizz.
Oh what a relief it is!

I had some quilting time this weekend and it felt sooooo good! I had a hard time getting organized, so I wasted half the day Saturday getting my supplies together. I popped in to our local quilt shop and received a very pleasant surprise — they’re sprucing up a bit and they have some new fabrics in. They even had fabrics that would work for the little quilt I’m working on – yipee!

I also had to make a quick stop into our local JoAnn’s and look at the little lovelies that I spied:

Nicky Button

Some fun new buttons by Nicky Epstein! Of course, you know, those sheepies had to come home with me (thank you JoAnn and your 40% off coupon!)

And Come On! LOOK at THESE buttons:

Nicky Button

That armor-headed guy (what do you call them?) kills me. I LOVE that button — I NEED a good reason to go back and get him.  (Feel free to make suggestions!)

Once home and walking up the driveway, I glanced up to see this:


A sure sign that a quilter lives here. That’s a peek into my laundry room (through a very dirty window, which you’ll kindly ignore) to a stack of pre-washed fabrics, fresh out of the dryer.

So. That’s my weekend update. Errands and quilting (it’s a gift, so I can’t show you yet — but soon). Anything exciting happen on your weekend?

P.S. I’ve tried to comment on a bunch of blogger blogs tonight, but blogger is screaming out of service. So Sorry!!!

49 thoughts on “Medieval Buttons”

  1. What lovely buttons! What are your plans for them? Isn’t it lovely to get back to quilting after some “time out”. I’m always looking forward getting back
    to my quilt room after an absence for more than a couple of days.

  2. It sounds like a nice weekend! I look forward to seeing the quilt. I managed a little bit of crafting but keep getting distracted by the internet….not good ;o)

  3. I love the buttons – especially the sheepy ones – the chap in the armour is a knight – perhaps you could do a quilt based on Camelot! Fortunately my utility room doesn’t have a window, so you can’t see the enormous basket of ironing which I have been ignoring for some time now!!

  4. I’m a sucker for cute things like that. Good find. Sorry to say my weekend was pretty mundane with very little sewing.

  5. Discovering new fabrics at your LQS? What more does a girl need?!

    Funny buttons Anna!

    … is the frog in your window-sill a quilter too or from the quilt-police?

  6. hmmm….how about a knit project…say a cardigan for your “knight in shining armour” complete with the appropriate buttons :)

    as far as the baby chicks go….I haven’t seen them since they arrived, so haven’t really had much fun with them…other than showing one to our 2 year old grandson Henry, who was intrigued.

    Have a wonderful week,

  7. Haha, the first thing I noticed was the frog in the window sill, and I wondered if it was real (but then realized it wasn’t). You can tell what stage of life I’m at!

  8. Those are some very cute buttons. I will have to keep an eye out for them. Good to have in the button stash.

  9. Me too Anna! Lots of time to quilt, but it seems that I puttered a lot of it away this weekend. Cute buttons too!

  10. I am gonna have to head on over to my Joanns to see if they have those buttons! I love those little sheepys!

    When folks peep in my craft room (which is at the front of the house)… I often wonder what in the heck they think I am doing in there… it must look like a giant mess!

  11. Cute buttons!

    I’m going to have to spend some time getting my act together in my sewing room soon. It is a disaster!!

    I hope you have some quilting to share soon…

    Jennifer :)

  12. Cool buttons. I saw in one of their ads that all buttons were 50% off. That was probably Memorial Day weekend. I missed that darn it. I meant to go but then forgot just as fast. Love the ones you got. Buttons are so darn expensive aren’t they? I need a few of a certain kind too so I guess I’ll have to go in each week with my coupon and get them.
    Funny seeing your fabric all up there in a pile.Do you wash all of your fabric as you buy it??? I don’t think I have ever washed a piece until the whole quilt is done. Funny how we all do it different isn’t it??
    Happy sewing!!!!

  13. And isn’t it reassuring to come home and see that, while you were gone, one of the cats was guarding your fabric?

  14. Glad you got some quilting time for yourself! Those buttons are totally fab! I never go to Joann’s. It’s just a little too far out of the way. Maybe a little trip is in order.

  15. Oh great buttons and great find. I love it when that happens. xoxoxo Clarice-by the way my laundry room is soooooo much worst

  16. Cute buttons! Now I’ll need to pick up some of the knight ones and make something for my brother-in-law that buttons . . . hmmm . . .

  17. Me being the medieval maven that I am, I am astonished that I missed those cool buttons. I have no idea how I’d use them…..but that’s not really the point, is it? The knight is something, but like you, I love the sheep. What will you do with them, Anna?


  18. You could say that the knight in shining armor reminds you of the-man-of-the-house and you couldn’t live without it. And is that the Frog Prince I see?

  19. I didn’t get my blog post done until almost 1:30 today because Blogger was out of order. Ah well, it’s working again.

    Medieval buttons, who knew? I love them. You could alter them to make cuff links (or even a tie tack) for your very own Knight in Shining Armor. Sew them on a Father’s Day card letting your honey know he’s your hero. We could all probably come up with one heck of a crafty idea list.

  20. That’s good you had quilting time this weekend! Did you finish the two little quilts that you needed to?

    I had a quiet weekend at home because it was SO hot outside. Got a little knitting done, but not as much as I hoped to.

  21. A knight in shining armor,I really like the castle too, and the sheep ~ I love sheep even though they get kind of stinky when their hair I mean wool gets long. I think you should knit up something cute to put your buttons on. Can’t wait to see what you are working on. You still wash your fabrics before quilting? I remember when I first started quilting fabric washing and pressing was the first step in making a quilt, now its the last thing I do in the quilt process, my how things change. I still press like a maniac though, I don’t know how some quilters seem to get away without pressing as they go along. ok bye…..

  22. LOVE the buttons. Any idea what you’ll do with them? Or are you just keeping them to look at (hey, I do that sometimes; don’t want to waste something great on a mediocre project, you know)

  23. Ahhh quilting time….so what is that like?? I think I’ve forgotten. Hopefully I will have some after next weekend! I can’t wait to see what you’re making. I love all your new fabrics (last post) making me drool…that Anna Griffen looks beautiful!

  24. Oh I think the armour hooded button would look good on a CHASTITY belt quilt.. what do you think?

    when I seen that I though ‘what the’?? but how about if you did a um, er, ummmm.. nope can’t think of a reason to have a quilt with armour..

    Ok one.. maybe a cinderella castle fairy tale type doohicky might work

    who really needs less drugs and more sleeps…

  25. I LOVE the knight in shinning armor! I may have to take a road trip to the nearest joann’s! (35 miles) Have fun making the quilt! Still working on tutus down here. Not having tutu much fun doing anything else! LOL

  26. I am going to have to add Joann’s to my list of places to visit this week. I just love buttons! Those sheep are very sweet.

  27. Cute buttons…I went to an official Button Show a few months ago – those are some serious buttons. And I have much to learn about them although I cannot become a serious collector – just for fun (no $30 – $125 buttons coming to my house). Glad your getting in your groove again at home – trips are fun but they are also kind of hard sometimes – and lets face it, you “played & worked” hard on that trip.
    I have been the caregiver for the last several weeks – hubby has some un-diagnosed severe nausea and lack of energy. The oncologist isn’t worried that his blood count has dropped a bit (but we are). Tests so far are negative and he’s having an endoscopy Thurs. Say some prayers, cross your fingers, kneel toward mecca, good kharma, buddha…all of the above or whichever you prefer.
    I love lookin at your fabric and goodies…let me know the next time you come down, always, robin

  28. I just love looking at all the buttons in Joanns, and they just re-organized the whole button area at the one I shop in….

    SO many cute ones to choose from. :)

    Have fun!


  29. I saw a comment you made on another blog about your grandma hope chest…I have one too! Its actually more fun then my wedding hope chest (oh wait, I never had one of those) and since I have a baby granddaughter I got to use some already! Just buy away!

  30. you found cute buttons and JOANN’S? Indiana must have a different Joann’s than the one by my house. I take my life in my hands going to that very parking lot. then, they have about 2.7 (scary) people working in the entire store. they don’t stock have to wait in line to get anything cut for eight years, then you have to stay in line to purchase said item, then you have to run for the car, hoping no one in line called their friend in the parking lot to rob you on your way to your car.
    i think they have a nice one in another town, about 45 mins away though… but then again, i could spend that time driving to See’s Candy and getting some vanilla buttercreams.
    hmmm.. buttercreams. sheep buttons. buttercreams. sheep buttons. i’m afraid the buttercreams have it.
    :pops a chocolate in her mouth

  31. Happy you finally got to have some quilting time………but you know if you didn’t waste time prewashing your fabrics you would have more time and a tidy laundry!!!!

    Cute buttons… there a JoAnns in Houston??

  32. Those ARE cute buttons!! As for the little knight button, I’m not feeling it. I guess it’s not girly enough for this house. LOL!

    I hope this up and coming weekend is just as lovely as your last weekend, Anna.

    Take care,

  33. I love the medieval buttons. You might need a new bag with that knight in shining armor for a closure. :D I’ll look forward to seeing your quilting project, which is sure to be very cute, once you can show us!

  34. You should get the knight buttons because one night you’ll wake up and think of the perfect project to use them. You’ll be sorry if you don’t

  35. That really is a cute quilt. I like your thimble banner too – just perfect for Spring.

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