
Jet Lagged

Holy Cow Kids — I’m Tired!!! DIDYAMISSME LOL???

This jet lag is killing me. I’ve been home now for 6 days and I’m still pooped and waking up a lot in the middle of the night. Going to somewhere as close as Europe is jet lag child’s play compared to this. According to Wikipedia, you’re supposed to allow one day per time zone difference for recovery. Since I’m pretty sure I traveled through 500 time zones, it might take awhile. Actually, according to their calculations, it should take me 10 days, so, maybe I’ll be alive by next weekend.

I had a great trip and I’m planning to tell you about it, but I’m still weeding out pictures. In the meantime, I have a few housekeeping items that need to be tackled. (Not counting the shambles of the real house — SOMEone needs a maid!)

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

First up — I brought The Aunts’ Quilt pattern back from Australia! I really want to get the quiltalong going by the middle of this month, so these patterns need to get mailed. If you expressed an interest (via blog comment) in joining the quiltalong, you should have received an email from me about your pattern. If you sent me an email, I’m sorry, but it’s been eaten, and you need to let me know again that you’d like a pattern. I didn’t bring very many patterns back with me and I’ve put the extras in my little etsy shop. First come, first served until they’re gone. More patterns can be ordered from AU, but international postage will have to be paid. And if any of the reserved patterns aren’t claimed by the end of the week, I’ll put those in the etsy shop too.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

In case you’re still trying to decide whether to join us, here’s a picture of the fabric requirements. This quilt is a fun combination of applique and piecing and I think it’s perfect for someone who is new to applique. We’ll plan on doing one pieced block and one applique block (or more half blocks) per month until we’re done — I’m estimating it will take about a year.

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

I’ve started to pull a few fabrics, but this is just the surface. I know I’ll be adding and subtracting and generally indecisive as we go along. That’s the fun of it!

Thimbleanna: Aunts' Quilt

I’m really excited about this quilt — I hope you’ll join us — it should be fun!

Also, it’s way past Oct. 1st and we need to have a winner for the Faux Taxidermy Knits book that I blogged about a month ago, right?

Thimbleanna: Faux Taxidermy Knits

MARSHA, Miss Cute Stuff Inside, Come On Down!!! Send me your address so you can claim your prize. And if you make that fox scarf in pink, you KNOW we want to see it!!!

Ok — off to try to avoid taking a nap!

25 thoughts on “Jet Lagged”

  1. lucky you going to Australia!! that Aunt’s Quilt is so cute – I would love to join in but just have too many things going in among my projects right now to join in –

  2. your suffering because you didn’t come and visit……………you needed to get out into the BUSH and you would have been fine…………..

  3. Of course we missed you!! Can’t wait to hear all about your travels. I am heading off soon too…hopefully I won’t have to suffer too much jet lag…..heading off to Tokyo.

  4. I love your blog and I am going to join you in the quilt along because that pattern is just what I have been contemplating! I hear you about the jet lag. I travelled from the US to New Zealand earlier this year with my two young boys and coming back is always a challenge with sleep.

  5. I know just what that jetlag feels like, it’s a big reason why I don’t travel overseas very often, but then it’s worth for all the fun times and memories you collect along the way. It’s going to be fun watching you all make wonderful versions of The Aunts Quilt, it’s such a wonderful pattern.

  6. Jetlag is awful – and I’ve only experienced it to and from the US and Canada. It really does take days to get over it! It’s surely about time someone invented a transporter like on Star Trek! LOL

    Glad you had a great time. I hope the anti-burglar cats didn’t have to deal with too much whilst you were gone! :o)

  7. Welcome back! I’m tired and I haven’t even travelled anywhere! lol I need a vacation. Can’t wait to read all about yours! Cheers!

  8. Hi Anna, welcome home, I hope your jet lag wears off soon. It was so nice to “meet” you on IG – thanks for taking us all on holiday with you. I so wish I’d been at Mill Rose at Ballan when you visited, I live about 20 minutes away. Cheers from Down Under, Jan.

  9. Glad to see your back and looking forward to hearing all about it via bloggy land. That quilt is dang cute sister. Now go take a nap :).
    Hugs – Mrs. Farmhouse

  10. YAY!!! you’re back!!! (BOOO Jet Lag!!!) I’m so glad you are back and YES you surely were missed! Now go get some rest (and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard chocolate is good for jet lag). We will all be patiently waiting for you to regroup. Welcome home!

  11. Lovely to have you back, I hope that you had an amazing time away!!! I have never had jet lag until I think I had it on my last trip, horrible isn’t it! I hope you are over it very soon. Congratulations to Marsha on your win, I hope you have lots of fun crafting away. I look forward to seeing your quilt grow over the coming year Anna! xx

  12. You so can’t imagine how much we miss you Anna … You have even made me read a blog again! ????

  13. Glad you’re safely back and hope the trip was everything you hoped it would be. I’d love to quilt along but I have too many unfinished quilt projects as it is.

    My Rachel just landed in Prague. I need to get a life!

  14. Welcome back! Good luck with that jet lag and let me know what works–I’ll probably be doing that unfortunate flight in just a few months!

  15. I know exactly how you feel as I suffer dreadful from jet lag too. Did you know it’s always worst when flying east, which you obviously did going home. It takes me usually weeks to overcome it and the lack of sleep makes me almost depressed. Anyway, I’m sure you had a great time and it was all worth it. I can’t wait to hear more about your adventure. Kate brought me back the pattern for the Aunt’s quilt and although I really shouldn’t start another project, I think I will play along with your QAL.

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