
Hummingbirds and Gifts on a Beautiful Weekend

Boy, you guys are some kinda funny!  I’ve had a great time reading all of your thoughts on what I might be knitting.  I’m happy to report there’s been at least one correct answer, so there will be a winner.  (And if you haven’t expended your three guesses and want to guess more, there’s still time!)  Hopefully, I’ll be done with my little caterpillar by the end of the week.  (Speaking of which, I saw Jack Hanna in Chicago’s O’Hare airport on my way home on Saturday.  He was standing around talking on a cell phone.  I started thinking how cool it would be to have Mr. Hanna pose with my caterpillar (which I was working on at the time — and who better to be holding a caterpillar?), but by the time I got up the nerve to ask him, he was gone.)

Did you all have a great weekend?  Our weather was PURR-FECT!  It was so beautiful, it was hard to stay inside and sew.  I wasted enjoyed several hours yesterday watching our hummingbirds enjoy our hummingbird feeder.


They’re fascinating entertainment.  I think there were three birds and they came to the feeder on and off all day.  They appeared to spend more energy chasing each other away from the feeder than actually eating.  It seemed like one bird would just arrive at the feeder, a second would swoop in to protect the territory, and while those two were flying off torturing each other, a third would come and have a few minutes of peace and quiet for drinking.

Here’s one coming in for a landing.

Hummingbird Hummingbird

Hummingbird Hummingbird

Very rarely, I actually saw a bird stick out its tongue.  It has a long skinny tongue that comes out the very end of its beak.  I tried and tried to get a picture of that tongue, but it was just too quick.  I guess I never thought of a hummingbird as having a tongue, so I was fascinated by that fact!  Anyway, it was a really fun way to spend a few hours.

When I arrived home from NJ on Saturday, I had two packages waiting for me!  First from Kim, a fun package full of love and hearts.  Kim and I occasionally talk paper crafts and she mentioned a fun bottle gift she’d done and offered to send me one.  Isn’t it cute, all filled with candy?  I love the “Love” tag on the front.  Can you see the beautiful earrings that Kim made?  And she was so sweet to include an adorable little ditty bag and some extra fabric.  I love the way she used the ric rac as a zipper pull — I’m thinking I might have to “borrow” that idea for bags like the goofy bags.  How perfect!  And the really funny thing is that the ditty bag matches the little needle books that I made for my quilty peeps over a year ago.  So now I have a perfect little matching sewing kit!  Thank You SOOOOO much Kim — I love, love, love it all!!!

Kim Gift

My second package was from Aldana.  She e-mailed me a few weeks ago and asked if I’d like to have a thimble swap.  I said yes and she sent me a cool thimble from Spain!  Along with some beads that smell heavenly (chocolate-yum!) and a very cute little needle book with a birdie on the front of it.   Thank you Aldi — I’m so touched that you would offer to exchange thimbles with me.  And don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about you and I’m on the lookout (it’s a bit of a challenge finding a thimble around here — local peeps, if you have any suggestions, I’m all ears!)

Aldi Gift

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must get back to my caterpillar.  There’s a drawing to be done soon!


34 thoughts on “Hummingbirds and Gifts on a Beautiful Weekend”

  1. I love hummingbirds! You got some great photos, there! You’re friends are spoiling you with all those fun packages! So, what you’re saying is that you’re NOT knitting a caterpillar? Is that what you’re saying? ;)

  2. Gorgeous birds. We though we saw a humming bird on France once and where so excited but it was actually a humming bird bee. Drop me an email with your addy so I can send your cup cake prize.

  3. You couldn’t call looking at those amazing creatures time wasting. Aren’t they wonderful! Just make sure they don’t eat your caterpillar!!

  4. I’m guessing that the one correct answer would be mine!!!! How lovely to see humming birds in your garden, you’re not knitting them a nest are you?

  5. How funny, it would have been great to have Jack Hanna holding your “caterpillar”! I didn’t know that we had 3 guesses, so here are 2 more from me….a hat, and gloves. As for your hummingbirds, great shots! When we were in Peru, we saw hummingbirds as well, but they are nothing like what we see here in the states. They are about 3 times bigger. I guess when you are that close to the equator you get all that wonderful sunshine!

  6. Amazing photography! My husbands aunt and uncle used to feed hummingbirds in West Virginia. They had at least 10 feeders in their yard, and at a certain time of year, thye birds would just flock to their house as part of their migration path. We would sit on their porch and literally see hundreds of the beautiful creatures. They had placed some of the feeders within 3 feet of their rockers and if they sat still and quiet, the birds would feed there as well. My husband’s aunt died a couple years ago, and his uncle just has not had the heart to keep it up. They were making the feeder solution by the gallon every day as it took so much to feed all those birds.

  7. I love Humming birds! I crack up at how they guard their feeders and won’t share. O.k so does that mean we do get 3 guesses? I was holding off on my guess until I could narrow down my choices lol! But if I get 3…

  8. lovely gifts.
    thoughtful friends.
    amazing hummingbirds.
    my old office was floor to ceiling window on one wall, overlooking a tree with a hummingbird nest in it. i marveled for hours at that little walnut-sized nest with it’s little bird that couldn’t even fit all the way in! then one day, two little needle-beaks poking out.
    we had to convince the landscaping crew who spoke NADA English, not to cut off the branch they were on, scare crows away, you name it. we were the hummingbird guardians. after a storm nearly destroyed everything, and the nest was rebuilt… a crow pecked those little babies and slurped them out of the nest! my assistant was shrieking and pounding on the glass and the bird just kept at it. it was horrifying. those little birds built that nest again. i watched those birds build nests in the tree for a couple of years, it was wonderful (except when they got pecked to death and slurped up by a crow-that part stunk.)
    the end.

  9. Beautiful photos!

    I saw Jack Hanna once while visiting the Zoo with my elementary school class. At the time I thought he was the end all of celebrities!

  10. Sister those pics of the hummers are awesome – how you got them in action like that is amazing. There always flitting around to fast for me and of course having a camera handy is another must. A celebrity sighting and you didnt’ take a pic.

    What wonderful gifties you received in the mail – it’s always fun to swap with someone.

    Hugs – Karen

  11. Love your hummingbirds! I’m amazed you got more than a blur for a pic, those wings beat so fast! Your post coaxed some great stories out of Brigita and Teresa too!

  12. What do you mean you can’t find a thimble?? You are THIMBLEANNA???? I just don’t get that one. LOLOL
    I didnt have hummingbirds this year. I filled the feeders but no takers. I love to watch them.

  13. I just LOVE to watch hummingbirds. We have one lone hummingbird that comes around. All his buddies must be at your place. Great pictures!!

  14. Hi Anna!

    Those pics of the hummingbirds are incredible. I’m with some of the other posters – never have a camera handy when I need it!

    I’ve nary a guess about your knitting – as Audrey Hepburn said in B’fast at Tiffany’s, it could be a scarf or it could be a ranch house…

    I’m looking forward to the answer, though! (Although I’m guessing it’s NOT a ranch house)


  15. Hummingbirds are my favorite! I love all things “hummer”. Your photos are beautiful, Anna! I wish I could take such good photos of my hummers. They are very entertaining, aren’t they?
    A couple of summers ago, a young male was sitting on one of our feeders, and would spend a long time drinking and then lift his head up and spew the water from his beak. He looked like a fountain!
    Love all the treasures you received, you lucky (and deserving!) girl, you!!

  16. I love hummingbirds. My grandparents had a honeysuckle bush (in MO) when I was growing up and we used to sit on the porch swing and watch them for hours. They still fascinate me and whenever I see one I always thing of those times. I see one occasionally on my patio but haven’t put up a feeder because I’m afraid it would drive Anna and Bailey completely nuts!!

  17. What great pictures of the hummingbirds. We had two hummingbirds in our backyard and one day we noticed a nest and it had eggs in it. It was so fun to watch the baby hummingbirds be born and then start to fly themselves. I did get it on video and if I can possibly find I show you. But, right now I have company invading my home (in-laws) so I’m a bit up to my eyeballs in stress. My husbands aunt and uncle are coming too so, we’ve been busy getting things too perfect!!!

    Hope you have a great rest of the week and I’m so glad you loved the goodies I sent you.

  18. Beautiful hummingbird photos Anna! You might want to share them with Jack Hanna. How could he refuse to pose for a picture with your caterpillar after seeing those shots? You are a talented photographer!


  19. Anna I can’t believe those hummingbirds! How beautiful are they????!!!! You are so very lucky I would spend all day watching them! You are so lucky!

  20. Wow, those hummingbirds are amazing although I have to admit I was expecting a recipe for Hummingbird Cupcakes! I made your oatmeal raisin cookies over the summer and they are simply divine x

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