
Happy Birthday Billy Collins!

Well . . . I had perfectly good intentions of posting a recipe for Randi’s Recipe Box Swap tonight, but this morning, The Writer’s Almanac arrived in my inbox and promptly announced that today is Billy Collin’s birthday.  If you’ve been around here for awhile, you know what a huge Billy Collins fan I am, so, being that this is practically a national holiday and all, I just couldn’t let the day pass without a big Billy Collins Happy Birthday Wish.  And I certainly couldn’t ask Dear Billy to share billing with my paltry pork chops, now could I?


No. that would NEVER do.  So, the pork chops will have to wait a day or two, while we pause a moment or two to revel in all the beauty that is Billy Collins.

I’ve written about Billy Collins before, HERE and HERE.  He’s written so many poems that I love that it’s hard to mention only a few. (My top two are noted on the previous posts).  If you really want to reward yourself after a long, hard day, spend a few moments with a book of Billy Collins poetry.  Preferably in a nice, hot, bubbly bath.

The Writer’s Almanac for today tells a bit about Billy Collin’s background.  Here’s my favorite part: “He was an only child. Before he even knew how to read he would page through books and pretend that he was reading whenever his parents had company. He said, “I would say it was a fairly happy childhood. But they say he who says that is just better at repressing things.””  He has such a wonderful sense of humor, which is certainly why I love his poetry.


The Writer’s Almanac also included his poem Forgetfulness, which you can listen to him read here:

If you happen to live in or near Long Beach, you’re a lucky duck.  The Carpenter Center will be hosting an evening with Billy Collins on May 21st, 2011.  The cost is a meager $35 and based on past experience,  it will be worth every. single. penny!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY COLLINS!!! May we never forget your name!

P.S.  If you’re interested in The Quilter’s Bible, don’t forget to sign up for the drawing HERE.  I also forgot to mention that the book was originally published in the U.K., so, if you’re in the U.K., even though you’re not eligible for this drawing, you should easily be able to find the book.

19 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Billy Collins!”

  1. Gosh, I’ve never heard of him ( I feel I should be whispering) but I shall certainly be checking out some of your ,inks. Feeding our minds as well as our tummies at Thimbleanna – hurrah!

  2. Another great post Anna – mind enriching and I, like the other girls, will have to be checking out some poetry from Mr Bill. Now I have to go back and find The Lanyard. He does use some big words (get the dictionary) does that make me sound stupid? Oh well, I ams what I am.
    Big Hugs…Robin

  3. Happy Birthday Billy Collins (although until now i haven’t heard of you)!!!! Off to look at those links, thanks for educating me!

  4. ARGH! Wouldn’t you know that I’m off this week, and I get Writer’s Almanac at work (a poem a day keeps the insanity at bay…). So I missed Billy’s Bday and write up. Fortuntaley, I can check it on their website ;^)

    And thanks for the tip. My youngest just moved to Long Beach last October. Maybe Mom might make a little visit in May…

  5. Hmmm…would you believe I have a BA in English and have never heard of Billy Collins…I’m going to have to research this further!

  6. I just love “Forgetfulness”. It’s so unfortunately true. The other day I was trying to tell a colleague about it but… yes, you’ve guessed it… it took me some time to remember the title.

  7. Billy Collins… Hmm. I don’t know anything about him but he looks a little like Billy Barty. Don’t anyone tell Anna that I said that!

  8. I’d never heard of Billy Collins until you posted Litany a while back with the little boy reading it and the poem has stayed with me ever since. I love it. Thank you for introducing him to me.

  9. you are so well read & i always learn something from your posts…thank you for enriching us!
    never new of billy collins…until i read this lovely post!

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