
Gingerbread Houses 2010

Whew!  I hope you all had a wonderful New Year’s weekend.  It sure whizzed by quickly — in fact the whole Christmas break is just a blur to me.  As much fun as it was, I’m thinking it will be good to get back into a routine.  Thanks for all your fun comments on my blogiversary giveaway (if you missed it, the drawing is still open until Jan. 7th, just go HERE.)  It’s been really fun reading all of the comments, especially from those of you who are just discovering blogs.   There are so many wonderful blogs out there — prepare to be inspired!

Gingerbread Houses

Anyway, lots of you mentioned the annual gingerbread competition.  You’re all so cute — thanks for being interested! I’m sorry I made you wait so long, there just hasn’t been any time to go through the pictures.  I didn’t think we were as inspired as last year, but we still had lots of fun.  So, let’s get to it!

Gingerbread Houses

Team 1 was supposed to be MeMum, CuteNiece1 and TheSecondChild, but TheSecondChild had to work late on the 23rd, so he wasn’t able to come home until the morning of the 24th. We jokingly refer to this group as our crazies and we laughed that the team draw put them all together. I think they had big plans to make a psych ward, but somehow that changed when TheSecondChild couldn’t make it.

We had a CuteFriend of the boys’ stand in for TheSecondChild at the last minute. CuteNiece2 was working late so CuteFriend and MeMum started building the house. CuteFriend had never built houses with us before and as he was constructing the house, MeMum was often heard to utter “just wing it”. They were having a terrible time and when CuteNiece2 arrived, she rolled up her sleeves to get things straightened out, but by then, CuteFriend was also saying “just wing it”. Sadly, “just wing it” wasn’t terribly effective and their house collapsed and they threw in the towel.

Gingerbread Houses

Team 2 surprised us with an adorable American Eagle house in honor of CuteNephew’s new job at our local American Eagle store.  He and SweetiePie made a wonderful team and they did a great job.  They left a roof off so that the inside of the store could be seen with all the clothes and mirrors.  I love all the special touches on this house – especially the swirly frosting.  Very, very cute!

Gingerbread Houses

Team 3 was TheManoftheHouse and me.  We did a camera shop and didn’t even manage to finish our house.  We wanted to put lots more frosting on the front and back and a line of kids waiting for Santa photos, but I spent most of the first hour fixing bad frosting bags for everyone (note to self: use plastic bags next year).  While the initial construction on our house was drying, TheManoftheHouse was busy building that adorable little camera on a tripod.

Gingerbread Houses

Team 4 was CrazyBIL, TheFirstChild and BigDaddy.  Their house started out looking suspiciously like last year’s house and when BigDaddy was spotted making a sleigh, someone asked them what they were making.  CrazyBIL said a Sleigh Wash and we all started laughing.  It WAS just like last year’s house.  The funny thing is, before we all started, the three of them discussed whether a sleigh wash had ever been done, and none of them could remember one.  After that discovery, they changed course and made people going into the sleigh wash or something or other.  There was serious cheating going on when they ripped off a big hunk of cotton from my nearby snow village scene and used it for smoke coming out of the chimney.

Gingerbread Houses

Team 5 was MyDadLovesMeBestSister and CuteNiece2.  They made a super cute art studio and I can’t believe I didn’t manage to get a good shot of the front of the house.  Look at those adorable little topiaries that MDLMBS made from Lindor truffles and Reese’s peanut butter cups.  Those were my favorite touch from all the houses.  Followed closely by the cute little pretzel easels featuring Christmas art work.  Oh So Clever!!!  They left the roof off of their house too (ok, it might have kept falling off) and it made for perfect views into the arteeeest studio.

Gingerbread Houses

And the winner by votes?  The Camera Shop.  I’m thinking it was either a sympathy vote because we ran out of time or because everyone loved the little tripod camera. We gave the prizes (movie tickets) to the runner up team — SweetiePie and CuteNephew.

Gingerbread Houses

So, there you have it.  We’re all running out of ideas for houses, so hopefully it won’t be even more downhill from here!


44 thoughts on “Gingerbread Houses 2010”

  1. Wow! I’m first! lol

    Those are great houses, Anna. And if you need ideas, just poll your blog readers. I’m sure they’ll have a TON of ideas.

    Happy New Year!

  2. AWESOME! I was SO looking forward to this post, and you didn’t disappoint. Your camera shop was adorable, but I have to say my favourite part of the whole thing was those little topiaries too. What a sweet (no pun intended) idea.

    My Christmas break was such a blur… it was great, but went by waaaay too quickly. Now I’m back at work… supposed to be marking… instead, dreaming of my sewing machine.

  3. Your houses are great Anna, we never have a theme, I’m always happy just to get them baked and decorated. Love all your creative details!!

  4. Love love love the pictures, you guys are so creative. You need to adopt me, it’s probably the only way I would ever make a gingerbread house. xoxo

  5. I’ve been waiting for this post and- Oh, my gosh! I love them all! They are all adorable. Seriously, I want to come hang out with your family for Christmas cottage night.

  6. Seriously fun post, I’ve been looking forward to it and it lived up to expectations. I agree that some ideas from blog readers could be fun for nest year. Is that cheating?

  7. it’s really about being together & sharing…the laughter must have been hearty & loud! what fun!
    very creative gingerbreads from all…& anna, thanks for posting!!

  8. Oh that is so cute. Thank you for sharing that great tradition. I am going to pass this link on to my husband who suggested that we start a making gingerbread houses tradition this year. I like the competitive element of the tradition. Hmmm… what does that say about me? OK, I’ll admit I am a bit competitive.

    Happy New Years!!

  9. What a creative bunch you are!! I’d never think of making mirrors and an art gallery INSIDE of a gingerbread house.


  10. The houses are fabulous ….. I want to come and live in Thimbleannaland next Christmas! Remember to pop over and leave a comment to go in the draw for my very special giveaway for my double anniversary – I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for two whole years …. and will have written 6oo posts come Saturday!!

  11. Oh, oh,oh! I don’t see any shortage of ideas, they are fabulous and the topiary trees are just the most adorable thing. Well done all of you.

  12. love it! what a great family tradition!!! Santa’s toyshop / sweatshop.. Reindeer veterinary clinic, surely after all that flying they’d need a grease and oil change!

  13. I love the idea of gingerbread stores… what fun! They are both so pretty! I love the cereal roof on the camera store!! I used to make them when the girls were growing up but the fun was having them help.

    Happy New Year dear Anna!

  14. I love them all and I love your Froot Loop roof. I am making lists for our g-house building this year. thanks for posting!

  15. downhill? anna, you sure have very high expectations…they are soo cool! i’m sure next year there won’t be that many construction difficulties :)
    i still think your houses are gorgeous and i just LOVE your tradition…it’s fun to see all those ideas…especially the trees (i could be tempted to use the c-word!).
    hugs, julia

  16. What a fun tradition and the houses are great – the topiaries would appeal to me most of all largely because I love peanut butter cups and Lindor chocs:) I’ve never attempted to make a gingerbread house, it’s more an American tradition I think. Your games sounded lots of fun too, that’s something that’s always been a Christmas tradition with us too. Happy New Year!

  17. Happy :) I didn’t miss the gingerbreadhouse competition post. The camera shop is my favorite and clearly the winner although my heart does go out to team “just wing it”.

  18. i love the gingerbread building tradition that you have. it’s quite fun to see the results each year. i love the topiaries, too. what a brilliant idea!

  19. Wonderful houses!
    I love those topiary trees.
    I’ll have to put this on my list to do next year, as I haven’t in a couple of years –
    looks so fun!

  20. So, you are just going to have to tap those creative forces and come up with more ideas….because your gingerbread house post is my very favorite. I look forward to it every year and just love to see the little houses. SO cute.

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