

Well, I’m a little late with a weekend report, but I have a good excuse.  I’ve had my nose buried in The Help.  I completely avoided the computer last night and sat out on the patio reading until dark, enjoying the last of my peonies and savoring every word.


I couldn’t help myself.  I loved this book and haven’t been as excited about a book group book in a long time.  I finally finished it today on my lunch break.  Fortunately, no one came into my cube to see the tears in my eyes.  Yvette commented on my last post about how sad she was to see the book end and I couldn’t have said it better.  Except maybe to use PKM’s favorite phrase — it was super delicious.  More than super delicious!

Not much else to report from the weekend.  Just a teeny little bit of sewing happened, but mostly yard and housework.  And we had a Father’s Day cookout on Sunday.  The weather was beautiful.

Blueberry Icecream

We even had blueberry ice cream using this recipe.  Yum Yum!  When TheSecondChild was 11 or 12, he wanted an ice cream maker for his birthday, so we gave him one.  We’ve hardly ever used it, but making this ice cream was so easy and fast, it won’t be another 10 years before we use it again.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m way behind on blog reading.  Hope you’re having a good week!


52 thoughts on “Distracted”

  1. Okay, so now I really have to check out this book. I meant to after your last post. But now that you say it is super delicious, it is a must!!

  2. My youngest and I were just talking about our ice cream maker the other night…the one that I got at a garage sale…the one we never used…the one I threw away. Darn, now I want to make some ice cream. Love your peonies…mine have just started to open up now.

  3. I’ve jumped to Amazon and checked out your book. It looks really good and it’s available on Kindle. Yeah! I’ll have to download it. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. oooooh that ice cream looks WONDERFUL.

    and i’m thinkin’ i have to go buy that book!!! i haven’t had a good read inna while now.
    :waves madly

  5. Oooh, we have an ice cream maker and even though it’s winter here … that piccy is making my mouth water!!
    Joy :o)

  6. Hee hee – we always said that our oce cream maker made the most expensive oce cream ever, once you factor in the cost of the machine as well as all the ingredients. Yummy though!

  7. Argh. ICE cream, ICE, not oce. I have no idea what oce cream is but apparently I needed to write about it twice. That’s the second time this morning I’ve had to write a followup correction comment. I think I need coffee …

  8. I’m going to have to add that book to my beach stack…Mom and I go next month…last year a read 6 books during the week…it’s wonderful!

  9. Anna, You’re lucky you still have some peonies. I have 3 shrubs and they all bloom at the same time, so I have 50 peonies in the house at one time, then they just end and there’s no more. I wish they would continue to bloom thru the summer. sounds like you’re taking a little break. That’s good. You work too hard, however, I do have a question to ask you. Could you look at my blog and see if you can think of anything I could do with all the starts I made. You’ll understand when you read the blog.. Many thanks, Hugs Tracey

  10. I think “the Help” will be my suggestion for next month’s boo club read!

    I use my KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment ALL THE TIME! Particularly using recipes from the Ben and Jerry’s recipe book. The blueberry recipe will be next on my list!

  11. I as well have an ice cream maker. Received it as a bridal shower gift. Haven’t used it in the last couple of years. I think I need to drag it out. The blueberry ice cream looks YUMMY!

  12. We were just talking about our ice cream maker the other day! We need to dig it out. I gave it to my dad many moons ago. I think it was used once. When he retired and they sold the house, he gave it to me. I’ve not moved it from the shelf. So dumb! Homemade ice cream is the best! ooxx`jod

  13. That book is great, thanks for suggesting it! I’ve been looking for something to get for this month’s audible selection, and they’ve got it. It had great reviews so I downloaded it and I finished listening to it yesterday, I could hardly stand to take those headphones out of my ears it was so compelling. The audio book is very well done, Skeeter, Minnie and Abilene are all done by a different actor, all in southern accents. (and after listening to if for so many hours, I found myself almost talking like them, lol)
    Blueberry ice cream sounds GREAT.

  14. The Help sounds so good. I’m going to buy it. It will be a nice break from those trashy historical romances I’ve recently gotten hooked on. Thanks for the recommendation!

  15. My peonies are just starting to pop! I’m so excited. The ice cream looks scrumptch. I could almost lick the screen.


  16. I followed the link to Amazon and read a few pages–amazing dialog–I haven’t read anything like that since Puddn’head Wilson.

  17. I’m not much of a book reader but maybe I should give it a try??? If you say it was THAT good. I trust you. You wouldn’t lead me astray would you?
    And did you say you sat OUTSIDE last night?? Isnt it hot over there too?? Please tell me it is. Cause I’m dying over here. And you won’t see me sitting ouside reading a book. No sirry!!!

  18. Love those Peonies!! Envy envy!
    We have an icecream maker… never use these days! I wonder… it might stop the Garden Vandal, along with his Double Deep Fryer Vat…

  19. I love homemade icecream we grew up using one all the time…and blueberry must try. yummy and so good for you (except all the sugar and cream!)

  20. Thought I’d check into blogland and see how you’re doing. I also remembered that you’re a knitter, and wanted to check out some of your old blogs. I like the Trekking socks. I’ve been using a Kaffe Fasset yarn, and people are sooooo impressed. I’m using the “magic loop” method, and it works great for me. I’m afraid 3 or 4 needles would be too much to cope with.

  21. Thanks for the tip about the book – I am off to check it out! I am really into reading again now. Just finished The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night by Mark Haddon (I think) great book! When I was in the US just bought the icecream maker attachment for my kitchen aid – yummo – hope the kids like blueberry icecream!

  22. My parents always have lots of blueberries on their bushes when we go see them in Northern California every year. I think I need to take my ice cream maker along this time.

    I almost ordered The Help, but I’m going to try to be good and see if the library has it. It sounds good. Have you read The Secret Life of Bees? It sounds like there might be some similarities between the two.

  23. Hi Anna – The Menu calendar/list looks like a really neat idea. I have a list that hangs on a small clip board in the pantry – every time we open the last of something or run low, that family member is responsible for adding it to the list for the weekly shopping trip. Your ice cream looks yummy! Our blueberries are now finished the last of them are drying quickly on the bushes. (live in south Louisiana) Good thing I put lots in the freezer. Weekend plans? I plan to get off the computer now and sew sew sew! I have a few orders for “air conditioners”. That is a neck collar made from terry cloth that goes around the neck and holds ice while outside in our heat playing tennis or mowing the grass. Sorry I tend to get long winded!

  24. Thank you for the book recommendation. I am always on the lookout for a totally satisfying read.
    Your peonies are beautiful! I’m glad you had time to enjoy them.
    Yummy ice cream – thanks so much for the recipe!

  25. Peonies are my absolute favorite flower Anna! I’m glad you had some time to enjoy yours along with that fabulous looking ice cream.

  26. Well, I’ll be picking up that book real soon. It’s been a long time since I’ve read something so delicious I didn’t want it to end. Lots of so-so reading to report in You Go Girl land.

  27. Tried the blueberry ice cream last night, since The Man has been wanting blueberries lately. I thought it was great. I liked the sour cream in it! That is different.

  28. Speaking of distractions, I spent a good deal of time wandering all over looking at The Help and then that led to other books as well, and well, you know how it goes . . . times flies when you are having fun! Another great book to add to my pile of things to read!

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