
Covert Operations

Or…alternate post title:

My Top 5 Tips for How to Build a Retaining Wall in Your Backyard in Secret

1. Be sure that your husband/significant other is working very long hours/seven days a week at the office for a week or two. And in the event he should come home during daylight hours, keep the window blinds closed at all times.

Retaining Wall

Trust me ladies…you do not want to hear him yelling from the other end of the house “Luuuucy!  You’ve got some ‘splainin to do!”  Can you see the difference?   Closed blinds are mandatory.

Retaining Wall

2.  When your husband/significant other leaves for work at the crack of dawn, complain about all the work that you have to get done that day. That way he’ll know you’re too busy to be up to anything.  Be careful though…be sure the work you complain about isn’t tangible, i.e., don’t complain about having to mow the lawn ’cause you’ll have to explain why it isn’t mowed when he gets home.  Try something like organizing all the pictures on your hard drive or taking your mother furniture shopping.
(Hey, check out my cute project manager!)

Retaining Wall

3.  Be sure and hide all the receipts for construction supplies so they can’t be accidentally discovered. Hide them someplace he won’t look for the duration of the project.  Try the cleaning supplies cabinet.

Retaining Wall

4.  Clean up after yourself after each day’s work. Make sure all the shovels/rakes are in their usual place in the garage.  Be careful not to track any dirt/gravel into the house.  And be sure that the truck you use to haul supplies isn’t sitting in the driveway when your hubby/so arrives home from work.

Retaining Wall

5.  Be prepared with a response in the event you get caught before your project is completed. You know… in case you suddenly hear “What the (*&$ is going on here?”, it’s best not to be caught speechless.  Practice one or more of the following choices:

“Retaining Wall????  WHAT retaining wall????”

“Holy Cow!!!!  Someone’s putting a retaining wall in our backyard!!!!”

“OhMyGosh!  The Retaining Wall Fairy has paid us a visit.  Who knew there even was a Retaining Wall Fairy???”

Retaining Wall

And one last little thought…just for fun, you might want to keep track of the number of times that you almost got caught. (My count was 5, but happily, the project was completed (well, with a few minor touchups needed next week)  two hours before discovery — yipee!!!)


*Disclaimer: Should you choose to attempt covert operations such as those described above, The Thimbleanna Blog assumes no responsibility in the event of injury to your body or your untimely demise. In addition, if you have small children, do not, I repeat DO NOT, attempt covert operations. Small children will rat you out every time!

**Apparently, thirty years of watching man-preferred mindless tv can come in handy!

63 thoughts on “Covert Operations”

  1. You make me laugh….good work, Anna. Nice wall. That was a lot of work to do by yourself. Yes, my small man would have ratted me out. He has a rather big mouth considering his overall size. LOL.

  2. You are a legend! How funny and the best part is that you have some photos to prove you didn’t get contractors in so he knows you did it all by yourself.

  3. Wow, I am seriously impressed! I’m guessing that keeping it a secret made the hard work more bearable, maybe even a little bit fun? I’d love to have seen his face when it was discovered!

  4. Of all the guesses…this one didn’t even make the radar…so was he happy? or I imagine at least smart enough to say he is!

  5. Holy smacks girl the wall looks great – please please tell me you had help with that wall and didn’t do it all yourself – sister you are a wealth of talent, that’s all I got to say :)

    Hugs – mrs. farmhouse

  6. You win the prize for the most multi-talented woman I (virtually!) know!

    You must have some serious callouses on your hands after taking on a project like that! Great job!

  7. The wall looks fantastic- aren’t you a clever one! What a lot of work – you did a great job- a couple of our staff at work were busy building them this summer and commented on the expense time and energy needed to create these walls.
    Hope your other renovations are going well and that you will soon get a chance to quilt again.
    Warmest regards,

  8. Oh my goodness – I love the cupcake rainboots hard at work…too funny, you are sneaky, and apparently exceedingly capable at construction as well! Congrats on the finish, very impressive!

  9. That is an AWESOME looking retaining wall! My husband would be thrilled to discover one is our backyard! ;0 Anna, can you tell us who your accomplices were or did you build that thing yourself??!@! ;0

  10. I forgot to say you make me feel like a slacker. I am absolutely hiding this post from my husband. He’ll expect me to be able to do this and it just ain’t happenin’.

  11. ROTFL,,,,O.M.G.! I knew you could do it all, teach me how to put down a wood floor without the husband finding out. Battles over here, I need to be clever/sneaky. Great work. xoxo

  12. You are the amazing WONDER WOMAN! Cook, bake, sew, knit, work full-time, great personality, have hundreds of wonderful friends, mother, wife, and crazy person…who knew you could build a kick ass retaining wall. Wow you should run for …no nevermind. you always amaze me. robin

  13. Funny as always, and great job on the wall. How did he take it? I know the covert home improvement operations always go better than the ones you ask permission / help for!

  14. Anna- You “ROCK”! Your retaining wall is beautiful. I am inspired! And, since my husband never notices anything around here, I may not have to be so covert. :)

  15. Fabulous wall!! Sadly I can’t do such things, now that Malcolm is ‘retired’ (years before official retirement age, I wouldn’t want you to think we are old!!). But when he did work, especially when he had lomng trips abroad, I could indulge my destructive/constructive tendencies!!

  16. Wow – I am sooo impressed!!! How did you know how to do that? With drainage and everything?! I just laughed and laughed, it was a great blog post Anna!!! You have a wonderful sense of humor!!!

    Hugs – Diane from Michigan

  17. wow – what a lot of work. We did a very small years ago and I said “never again” –
    Yours looks fabulous and you must feel very proud!

  18. Brilliant! I did some yard WORK myself while the mister was away for a couple weeks and had to point it out to him when he got home. It was in the front yard and all the neighbors kept walking by slowly with unbelief in their eyes but encouragement on their lips.

  19. Wow Anna! Very impressive!! The wall you built is VERY impressive, but your ability to do it all in secret is also very impressive. I am in awe! LOL

  20. LOL……this is my favorite post ever!!! I am copying it so that I can follow the instructions for future projects I might have brewing!! Thanks for all the wonderful tips!!!

  21. Wowee. What a fabulous job (and a fabulous post, it really made me laugh!)

    I’m just wondering why the secrecy about the wall? If my husband knew I was doing such a thing he would be so happy that I hadn’t asked him to do it and he had gotten off scott-free with no assistance required!!

    You are pretty amazing! Great work!

    Sas x

  22. I swear, woman! We would have so much fun being neighbors! Now I bet you’re glad THAT project is done! Hopefully it fixes the little problem! Did you ask your husband afterwards, “so how do you like me now?” lol!

  23. Dude!!!! I’m sooooo impressed! I figure if it ain’t quilt blocks it just ain’t worth it!!! Lol!!!

    It looks amazing. Wanna come do my yard?!

  24. LOL, what great covert tips. I have written them down, incase I ever decide to do something (but probably not and will just will wait for hubby to do it, even thought he never will) The wall looks fab by the way xoox Clarice

  25. Well Done You!!! What an exceptional handywoman you are!! Love the tips – they have been bookmarked for future reference! Very cute project manager by the way – hope he was helpful in keeping mum!!

  26. I am late to this party here but ohmygosh you built your own retaining wall. Wow. I don’t have that kind ofthing in me any more. Good for you. I’m seriously envious.

  27. Nice roses, grateful hubby, sounds good. I love the makeover. The bench tops would be good for making bread and I’d love taps like yours too.

  28. I love you Miss no-twitter Thimble Anna! I heart your beautiful black chairs that would look AWESOME in MY kitchen. ;0

    I’ll make a deal with you Miss no-twitter Anna, send me those beautiful chairs and I’ll start a blog…deal? ;0

    Have an AWESOME time in Houston and give Kristyne a big hug from me. ;0

  29. And here I was, laboring under the illusion that one of the principal functions of husbands was to build retaining walls….Who knew? Nice wall though! Where are the flowers?

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