
Blue …

… is the color cast by the shadows at dusk yesterday when I took this picture of all of our new snow.  Isn’t it pretty?  I love the snow.  Too bad Mr. Spikey Haired Snowman didn’t stick around…there could have been a Spikey Haired girlfriend in it for him.  (My yummy new snow needs an awesome Melly to adorn it with snow angels!)


Blue is also the color of blueberries.  Or so they say.  I personally think they should be called purpleberries, ’cause they don’t look very blue to me.  But whatever.  Diana is hosting a food challenge where each week they cook foods made from the 11 best foods you aren’t eating.  This week’s challenge is blueberries, so I thought I’d play along.  I haven’t always been a fan of blueberries, but after I found out a few years ago that they are a superfood, I found a new appreciation for them.


Oh, and just to get sidetracked here, while I was taking blueberry pictures, I decided I needed a plate with some blue on it to make my little blueberries look a little more…blue.  It reminded me of a story I’ve been meaning to tell you about these plates.  I realize a lot of people don’t like blue, but do you like my pretty plates?  (The answer is yes, LOL.)


When MeMum and her sister were young and starting their families, my grandmother said to them, “If one of you will name a daughter after my mother, that baby will inherit my pretty blue china.”  My aunt had a little girl first, but she passed on the offer (perhaps because her name is Ann, which might be confusing?) and being the next-born granddaughter, my great-grandmother’s name became mine.   But, the sad thing is, when I was a little girl, my grandmother died in a house fire and most of the china was destroyed in the fire.  For many years, I only had a few place settings of that blue china, but one day, MeMum found Replacements.

The whole point of telling you this story is to tell you about Replacements.  Do you know about Replacements?  They are a fantastic company located in North Carolina and they specialize in replacing lost dinnerware (china, sterling, silver, etc.)  Over the years, MeMum has given me Christmas presents of replacement pieces of the blue china.  She found Replacements before we even knew what the internet was, and she used to place her orders over the phone.  They have incredible, helpful customer service.   The internet has made their service so cool — now you can search for your dinnerware pattern and see if they have any of it in stock.  And, the really cool thing is that once they know what patterns you’re interested in, they generate lists of what they have available and mail them to you.  They’ve grown into an incredible service — their website says they have over 13 million pieces in their inventory and they even ship outside of the US.  They have a huge showroom too … one of these days I hope to visit.  (Note:  Replacements is NOT like going to the thrift shop.  It’s a service for hard-to-find items and they aren’t cheap!)

So.  File that little tidbit into your little tidbit file.  That could be the most valuable thing I’ll ever tell you.  Someday, if not already, you’re going to need Replacements.  Now, back to the blueberries…


Oddly enough, Diana mentioned my VERY favorite blueberry recipe in her posting with blueberry recipe ideas. It’s Ina Garten’s Blueberry Crumb Cake.  I’m pretty sure the healthy blueberries cancel out all the butter and sugar, so if you’re dieting, don’t worry.  I LOVE this recipe, and you already know how much I love Ina.  As much as I love Sawyer, when they tell me I can only take one person to that desert island, he’s getting dumped and I’m taking Ina.


Because, look what she’s done for my patisserie dome. Ina’s little blueberry crumb cake completes my patisserie dome.  Have a great weekend — and for a complete one, make this blueberry crumb cake!


47 thoughts on “Blue …”

  1. Anna, Blueberries are a favorite of mine. And you are right, blue is not my most favorite color. But I do love your plates. Yes, yes, yes, I am familiar with replacements, they are great, highly recommend. Hmmmm….. who was the first into Ina’s cake??? Wish I could taste some right now with my tea.

  2. I love the story of how you got your name and the history behind your beautiful blue china. It is the perfect accompaniment to your delicious looking cake!

  3. I love blueberries so that is a recipe I shall try especially as it is obviously so healthy! Your china is very pretty too!

  4. Love your snow picture – it’s beautiful. Those blue plates are really pretty and love when you get side tracked by a story to connect us with those pretty plates. I love to eat blueberries in something yummy like that cake – hey it’s fruit right, can’t be all bad. I love Ina as well – Someones in the kitchen with Ina, someones in the kitchen I know oh oh oh, someones in the kitchen with Ina strumming the old banjo. Oops broke into song there, LOL. Have a super weekend


  5. Blueberries….I still have some in my freezer from my wonderful MIL who kindly picked each and every one for me from the U.P. (or maybe she bought them at the blueberry farm up there). Thanks for the Crumble link.

  6. THANK YOU! I was given china from my mother-in-law, not enough for a whole set. That is why she was giving it away I suppose. I have been looking for a place to get “replacements” and I just looked on the website and found it! I am so excited. Plus, my B-day is tomorrow and this makes a great gift! I love blueberries. I get those from my MIL too. She picks them in Oregon and loads them frozen into her suitcase to haul across the country to us. I just finished my bag this morning with my oatmeal and am needing a replenishment. I’ll have to make the crumble cake. I have a great blueberry pie recipe too if you’d like it!

  7. I love your china….very sad story about your grandma, though.
    The crumbcake looks divine! I believe I will be trying that recipe!
    Have a fantatic day. Try to stay warm. All that snow makes it look very cold!

  8. I filed that tidbit, thank you. I have been looking for a good source. What a sweet and touching story and more special are the dishes when they come with a connected history.
    I am one who does like blue and blueberries and Ina.

  9. That blueberry crumb cake looks divine! I love your blue plate, too. I was just visiting Replacements this week. But, the spoons I was looking for, cost $15.99 per SPOON! Alas, we will not have matching spoons with our set. It’s not even an old set – just 8 or so years. Darn kids. I’d love to know where all those spoons went. At $15.99 a spoon I could have sold them and funded their college education.

  10. You had me at blueberries!! Mmmm, one of my favorites, I’ll have to try that recipe!
    I think that’s so neat when people are named after a family member – especially when it’s a pretty name like Anna. Our boys all have a middle name after someone. That’s so sad about the your grandma and the fire, but that Replacements sounds like a great resource.

  11. The blueberry crum cake looks great, and I’m not a fan of blueberrys. Replacements is a great thing. My mom has never purchased anything from them but she has contacted them several times about her grandmothers dishes and they have always been very helpful and informative when answering her questions. This was way before the internet.

  12. Hi Anna, I like blue, blue plates and blueberries. I trade off between blue and green as my favorites. Your cake looks yummy and I am going to make it!

  13. Oh, I love the story of your china! I have heard/read about Replacements but didn’t know how fabulous it is until now.

    All of our dinnerwear is inexpensive/second-hand/camping-set quality, but secretly, Anna, I’m hoping to inherit my grandmother’s china one day. I should probably mention this to my grandmother, but it seems like it would be an awkward/uncomfortable conversation…(“you know, Grammie, I was thinking that, um, well, I’d like to have your plates and stuff, after, well, um, you know…”)

    Anyway, maybe I will need Replacements one day.


  14. Your blue plate is beautiful but what a sad story about your grandmother – but how lovely that your mum has been able to find replacement pieces for you. My grandmother on my father’s side bought all her grand-daughters a piece of china to make up a tea service for each birthday and Christmas which is a lovely thing to have – except I’m terrified of breaking mine so have it all stored at my in-laws’ house which is a bit silly!

    Lovely looking cake by the way!

    Lucy x

  15. Who doesn’t like blue? Well, I certainly do. Very pretty plates indeed and an intriguing story. What would you otherwise have been called, I wonder?

  16. See? Mr. Cupcakes knows what he is talking about. I don’t have any blueberries (unless a blue fruit snack counts), all my cakes are “crumby”, and until today I didn’t know I needed a pat…wait, I have to scroll up and see how to spell it…patisserie dome. I am coming over (I wish). I don’t care about your green tile.

    Happy Day,

  17. How neat about your china, what a story! I love china. I love eating off my china. I try to discourage husband from doing so because he has broken a piece. I guess, if he keeps it up I know where to look for more! LOL

  18. Blueapalooza! I love all the blue, especially the story of how you got your name.

    There’s a u-pic blueberry farm within walking distance from my house. Yes… I’m hinting for you to come visit!

  19. i’m so gonna try that blueberry crumb cake. thanks for the link to the recipe. i never liked blueberries until i lived in michigan and i was surrounded by them. they taste so good fresh. mmm.

  20. Your china is so pretty Anna and such a bittersweet story behind it. I’m sure your Grandmother would be so thrilled that you are still collecting her china.

    Your snow looks wonderful. It seems that miracles may be about to happen as we may get snow in the next few days!


  21. Your china is beautiful and that blueberry cake looks divine! It sounds like that china was very special to your grandmother and is now very special to you. The only question left – will DS and SweetiePie be naming their first daughter Anna?

  22. A beautiful picture of the snow – so calm and serene. Blueberries, I love them, and your crumb cakes looks wonderful.

  23. Love the plate…so glad you’ve been able to get more over the years…it looks so beautiful and simple with the blueberries. The blueberry crumb cakes does look delicious…I’ll have to try it! =)

  24. Love the blue plate, love blueberries, and the blueberry crumb cake under your cake dome looks heavenly. I’m so glad it not here or I would eat some of that, too! (Don’t ask about the chocolate cake.)

  25. The Snow pic is beautiful! I LoVe blueberries. Especially frozen! I have a Magic Bullet and use it almost every morning. One of my favorite smoothies is blueberry.

  26. As beautiful as your snow pic is, I am NOT missing the snow at all. I’ve had my fill of snow this winter, I’m afraid!
    Your plate is beautiful! I would love to see more of those dishes. I have heard of Replacements, and have even used them once – they are wonderful!!
    Blueberries are one of my favorite fruits, and I eat them like candy during the summer. Your blueberry crumb cake looks divine, and I’m coming to visit……NOW!!!! Yummy!!!

  27. Hi Anna…I love the “blue snow”!! The blueberry crumb cake is to die for isn’t it? I haven’t made it for awhile, I must dig out that recipe. I love your blue plates and glad you are completing your set. What a wonderful story!!

  28. Replacements is truly fabulous. I’m so glad you were able to get more of your pretty blue china. And blueberries are truly magical indeed :)

  29. I’m not crazy about blueberries unless I get to pick them fresh out of my parents’ s backyard, which happens once a year. I do try to eat them though, what with their super duper health benefits. Once again, I’m inspired reading your blog.

  30. What very stylish and comfy-looking cushions you’ve got on your garden chairs! Doesn’t it look inviting when it’s newly-fallen? We’ve just had the biggest snowfall in 18 years. The UK is absolutely rubbish at dealing with any amount of snow. Silly headlines like FREEZING DEADLOCK and WHITE CHAOS appear. We knew about it for a week! Our travel systems are still in mayhem though!

    That cake looks divine, especially under that chic dome. Thanks as ever for your lovely comment – it’s great to be back! Emma x

  31. Oh, Yes!!! I found Replacements last month when I was looking for some Spode Christmas Tree china!!! Aren’t they fabulous! I’m so glad you got to complete your beautiful blue china plates. That’s a sad story about the housefire. Terrible!
    Your blueberries, blue snow and blue china plates are all lovely!

  32. I’ve used for a number of items. Currently I’m replacing some of the missing pieces of my great aunts china that I inheritates.

  33. Hee hee thanks for the blog love, and your sweet words of encouragment! It’s going to be a long journey! What a beautiful name by the way. I was named after my grandmom Anna!

  34. anna, i have a blueberry muffin recipe that’s wonderful. i’ll email it to you if you want it. that cake is beautiful. and you gotta love THE DOME!!! your china is beautiful.. and even more beautiful because it’s special. have a fun day. i’ll be in unpacking hell, thinking of you.

  35. The crumb cake looks yummy — a belated bon appétit! I loved reading the story about your pretty plates and Replacements, too (though I’m so sorry to hear about your grandmother). My mom told me about Replacements and we’ve placed a few orders with them – they are wonderful and I’m amazed by the number of otherwise hard-to-find things that they have in stock.

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