
242 and 243

Did you all have a good weekend? Here in ThimbleannaLand it was a fun weekend of work around the house. I read on someone’s blog this weekend that the change of seasons causes a nesting instinct and I think the same is true for me. So I spent the weekend doing lots of little odd jobs that take up lots of time. All the work was made more fun with the help of the internet:

Reason #242 Why I Love the Internet:

People post cool cleaning tips.

About six weeks ago I decided I should try and clean the dingy blinds that I took down when I painted the kitchen. I had no clue how to do it, but the internet said they were washable. I rigged up some ridiculous contraption to hang them in the shower and proceeded to wash the first one with some soapy water. It was a miserable experience that involved the blind crashing to the shower floor more than once — and the after didn’t look any better than the before. I decided it would be a two-day job per blind when drying times were considered. But then, luckily for me, I never got around to the second (of five) blind.

Then, in a serendipitous moment, Pamela posted her method of cleaning blinds a few weeks ago. Never in a million years would I have come up with this idea. I was a little worried that this method might not work since our blinds arethe honeycomb fabric type, but I decided I didn’t have anything to lose.


And how simple is this method? Suspend the blind between two ladders, spray it with Krud Kutter and then hose it down. I added a third little ladder while drying the blind, so all the water wouldn’t pool at the bottom of the blind.


And here’s a shot of the magic elixir. Krud Kutter. I’d never heard of it before, but Oh My Gosh. I didn’t know my blinds were so dirty! This stuff is amazing.


THANK YOU so much Pamela for posting your great idea. I think sometimes as bloggers, we wonder if a post will help anyone. Pamela — you saved my blinds!

Reason #243 Why I Love the Internet:

You Meet Wonderful People Even If They Aren’t Bloggers

Enter Linda Noblog. You’ve heard me mention her here before — she’s probably reason 80, 121, and 157 too. We’ve had some great e-mail exchanges and I’ve learned so much from her. Last week she told me I needed to try the Banana Struesel Muffin recipe from the Sono Baking Company Cookbook. I made a quick batch on Sunday morning and they’re perfect. They remind me of my favorite Chunky Monkey ice cream! THANKS for another great tip Linda!  (And please don’t look at my cupcake papers — I know they would look much more professional sans papers, but I was l.a.z.y.)

Banana Muffins

I hope you all have a good week. Sneak in some internet time — I’ll bet you’ll find a Pamela or a Linda or more!


32 thoughts on “242 and 243”

  1. Oooh, another banana recipe; must look that one up (though I’ve never heard of the source over here). There is yet another overripe bunch of bananas in the kitchen and only so many I can fit in the freezer!

  2. I’m so glad you posted the tip about the blinds! The house we moved into has filthy blinds, and I tried dusting, but it always left quite a bit of dust behind. I told my husband I thought we would have to take them all down and take them outside to try power washing them. I’m glad to know it will work!
    Give Indiana a hug for me! :-D

  3. Wish I’d known how to clean them back when I had them! After years of cleaning them in the bathtub, I refused to put them up when we moved into this house! I do have some lovely pull down shades now. :)

  4. hmmm great tip. I have ones sorta like those in my bedroom. I really would like to clean them. they are Hunter Douglas Silhouettes so the fabric is very sheer. Good to know.

  5. My daughter used to clean houses and she just puts soapy water in the tub and puts blinds in, soak for a little, scrubs a little, and then rinses off. I don’t think she hung them to dry, I’m not sure about that, I’ll have to ask. My tip for mildew/mold on caulk around bath tub is Clorox Bleach Pin – I put it on and let it soak for a day and wipe off. Just did a little touch up the next day. Worked alot quicker than anything else. Anna your baking looks so scrumptious I wouldn’t be concerned about the cups – I’d eat them anyday (2 or 3 times). Have a good week, I’m so loving that the temp is going back down. FALL in 10 days. Love it!

  6. I’m so impressed with the blind tip. And the muffins….ymmmm. I’m grateful for the iternet too. How else would I have “met” you if not for the photo of the red door you posted?

  7. how did you know dear anna that i ADORE chunky monkey…we must meet somewhere very soon!
    thanks for the shout out…& your muffins look delicious!!
    btw: love the krud tip!…
    now i need to take up quilting!!!! LOL

  8. You’ll never believe this but hunka and I owned a cleaning business and we used to clean blinds for people all the time. And that’s how we did it. Easy peasy. People were so impressed with us. lolol
    Your muffins look good!!!

  9. A blind cleaning tip that I do, is I put a vinyl tablecloth on my picnic table outside, then stretch the open blind on it (laying down) and scrub it with soapy water and scrub brush. Then turn it over and scrub the otherside too. Then I put them on my clothesline and hose them down to rinse! Works great! But I will definitely have to try the crud cutter! Thanks!

    Hugs from Michigan – Diane

  10. You are so absolutely right, Anna! How did we survive before internet access? Oh wait, I remember. Books. Lots of books. But the internet is SO much better, faster and just generally more fun. I find new and interesting stuff all the time. Don’t get much work done, but hey, you got to prioritize. LOL

  11. Anna, I am so glad you were able to not only find krud kutter but you were happy and sucessful in cleaning your blinds. Yay!!! Thanks for the shout out.

  12. I’m still laughing at the name of the cleaner – Crud (or krud) is not a word that would be used here on a cleaning product – it really is a bit of a rude/slang word!!

  13. I got so sick of cleaning blinds that I went to roller shades. I’m glad to know about Krud Kutter though. There are probably a thousand uses for the stuff.

    Yum on the muffins!


  14. I had no idea how to clean honey comb blinds. I’ll have to look for the Krud Kutter. Where did you find yours?

    Looks like you are putting the new kitchen to good use.

  15. I was just reading through your posts to try and catch up on what you have been up to and was totally blown away by the idea of a whole shop dedicated to knitting socks! How FANTASTIC! But unfortunately I can’t leave a comment on that post so I’ve snuck one in here insteadm ;o) Locket xx

  16. great idea…I always hung my mini blinds on 2 nails on my patio cover and hosed them down, sprayed and hosed again……I hate cleaning blinds!!!!!

  17. I am stinkin’ excited about number 242 – blind cleaning is overdue at my house because of the obvious dread of the job…

    And I am so with you on 243. And you’re on my list! I am still pretty bummed that we didn’t get to just hang out during QM, and I hope we’ll meet up again sometime when you aren’t so busy.

    Hope all is well!

  18. hi anna.
    i missed all your posting while i was away.
    you’re the reason i love the internet.
    i could actually think of a few more, but i’ve had a rough week.
    :waves madly

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