Weekend Little Bits

Well, how was the weekend?  We had some gorgeous weather here — crisp and cool on Saturday and perfect on Sunday.  I don’t really have anything fun to show — no completed projects or anything fun like that.  The weekend was mostly things that had to be done, with little bits of stolen fun moments.

Little Bits of Knitting.  I started those sheepy socks (aka Flock Socks) and I’m very excited about them!

Sheep Socks

Little Bits of Quilting.  59 completed blocks — only 5 more to go!

Bliss Blocks

Little bits of applique.  I ran out of leaves, so more are being prepped.


And, Little bits of trench digging.  You know, just a normal weekend in ThimbleannaLand.


I think the only fully completed project was to create that new Thimbleanna banner up there. ‘Cause we now find ourselves solidly into a new season. Where oh Where did September go????
